7: Reunion

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 "The 2001 foster care scandal case was the one Jason and I worked on when we found you, Alex."

I stood there in complete shock and didn't know what to say. Rossi saw my shock and sat me down.

Hotch was saying something to Rossi but I couldn't hear anything, just noises from that night, gunshots firing. 

"Alex, Alex, ALEX," Hotch yelled at me and I looked at him saying, "Andrew Hud was there?" 

Rossi nodded and said, " When we were taking your adoptive parents into custody we figured out that they had a partner but we couldn't find him until now."

I looked at Hotch and asked, "Why is the team upset with me?"

Hotch sighed and said, "He was the one who raised you until Rossi and Jason saved you."

I looked at Rossi and he said, "He's right. When Jason was taking care of you, you were very violent and harsh on him. That's why he tried to find your biological father because he thought that if you were with someone blood related you would calm down. But, since your biological father didn't want you he decided to take on the challenge..."

"CHALLENGE I WAS A CHALLENGE," I yelled at him and continued, "Even Jason didn't want me. Nobody in my entire life even cared about me," and stormed out of the office while Hotch was chasing me.

"Alex wait," Hotch tried to stopped me but I kept walking out when he said, "That's not the whole story."

I stopped and turned around and said, "But it's true. I've never been an easy kid to take care of, even THE Jason Gideon couldn't handle me."

He sighed and said, "But, He DID," I looked at him in disbelief, "Yes you were a challenge just like any other kid in the world, but he managed you take care of you and show you the good in life. He changed you for the better and if he was alive right now he would be so proud of you."

I started to cry in front of my boss and my team, but J.J. walked to me and said, "I'm sorry about before. You didn't get to chose the start of your life but you do get to make a change."

She gave me a hug and I wiped my tears. I looked at my team and then at Hotch and said, "What do we need to do to catch Andrew?"

We all moved into the conference room to devise a plan to catch Andrew and hopefully catch his partner.

"Andrew is only interested in you for some reason but if you make a public announcement he may come to you," Hotch suggested but Spencer said, "But he knows the FBI is looking for him, he will believe it's a trap."

I shook my head and said, "Then I will do this alone. No microphones, earpieces, or anything I will do this by myself." 

Everyone looked at me and Rossi said, "It's too dangerous. We don't know what he wants with you."

I stood up and said, "This is my battle that my par- adoptive parents started and I intend to finish it. I'm doing this alone."

I walked out and realized my car was still at Rossi's house and so I walked back and said, "Rossi, my car is still at your house."

He threw me his keys and said, "Leave the car on the driveway and I have spare keys at home. Just give these back when I see you again."

I nodded and left the BAU.

I pull up at Rossi's house and get into my own car. The drive to my house was short and I immediately went to bed because I had to be up by 9:45 am to leave and meet up with my half-brother.

I have to tell him everything that's going on so that he will be safe.

I woke up and got ready. I drove to the airport and waited for his flight to arrive. At 10:30 he has landed and around 11 I found him at the luggage bags claim. 

When I first saw him I didn't really recognize him. In his letter, he said he looked like me but he had blond hair and I had dark brown. He had blue eyes and I had hazel. He was tall and I was on the shorter side. He looked nothing like me 

I walked up to him and said, "Are you, Jimmy Homer?"

"The flesh and bone," he said laughing. I couldn't see the resemblance he had with me, and so I said, "You must be tired let's get home."

He nodded and picked up his bags and started to follow me. I had a bad feeling about him so I said, "I need to use the restroom, be right back."

I go into a stall and text Penelope 'I need you to send me a picture of Jimmy Homer ASAP, Please!'

One minute later my phone rings with an image of Jimmy and the man outside was indeed the man on the photo but I had a bad feeling. 

I texted back, 'Don't text me back just track my phone until I say you can stop. I will text, Mildred, so you know. If I don't text that no matter what keep tracking me!'

I walked out of the bathroom and said, "Sorry there was a line," and laughed. He said, "No problem."

We were driving to my house when he said, "Before we go," and pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head, "Let's take a drive to Andrew's."

I froze but he said, "Keep driving," I drove as he said, "Turn left and then stay straight."

I asked, "You are his partner aren't you? You pose as my brother but you're really not."

He plays with the gun and said, "No I am your brother and so is Andrew. We all got relocated ever since the FBI separated us that night."

I shook my head and said, "But I was adopted, so I am not blood-related to you."

He just laughed and said, "You don't even know the story. Andrew will love to tell you the truth."

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