°I'm Too Dangerous° Chapter 9

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       A couple hours later of just sitting on my bed sulking and the house already set up for a party the doorbell rang. I check the time and it is 8:30. I smile and walk down stairs and open the door. A bunch of people were lined up and I let them all in. Some people go for drinks and others turn up my music. Sooner or later my house is full of people.

         "Nice party." Clarity said dancing on me. 

"Not now." I said looking around for Alex. I need to talk to her. She starts moving her body on me. "Clarity enough! You have a boyfriend let me fix what happened with my girlfriend!" I yelled and she looked dumbfounded. 

"She's not your girlfriend anymore." She said smirking.

          "You're right. She's my soul mate." And I walked away looking for her. She's got to be in my house somewhere. I love her. I do. But, I guess I'm not used to settling in on one girl yet. I go in my back yard to check and she's there. I feel relieved but then I feel immediately hurt. She's kissing James.

           I guess I can't complain. I made out with Clarity. I went up to them and cleared my throat. "Hello guys! Hope I'm not interrupting anything." I said being sarcastically cheerful.

 "Angel what are you doing?" Alex said.

 "How do you know my name? For this is the first time we met," I said re-calling our last conversation. How she didn't want to remember anything about us.

             "What?" She said looking confused. I took her hand and shook it. 

"Well, nice to meet you. I'm Angel and you are?" She looked confused. 

"James, can I talk to Angel for a second."

 I looked over at James. "Oh. You never introduced me to this girl!" I said. Smirking of course.

       "Leave us alone for a minute." Alex said to James and he just walked away shaking his head. 

"What the hell Angel." She said looking hurt. Ha ha, very funny. 

"Well, from when I last re-call you said forget everything?" I said casually but deep down it was hurting. 

"I said that because you were cheating!" She yelled.

           "Then don't act so hurt if I'm following by your rules. Because it's what you said. Stick to your word because I am." And I walked away then stopped and turned to a teared up red face. "And have fun with James." I said regretting everything I just said. I walked in my house and just sit down on the couch next to a bunch of drunk people. 

"Awesome party!" A guy called out holding a beer bottle. I just nod my head. The only person I can think about is Alex. Her and James.

           "Babe, you look sad." Clarity said sitting next to me.

 "Do you have another slutty move to make?" I yelled and ran upstairs in my room and locked my door. I sat on my bed and took off my shirt and pants. First time I've never drank at a party. Then sleep took over me and I woke up to my phone buzzing. I didn't have a hangover. I get ready and head for school.

           I walk in and bump into someone. Of course, Alex. Then my phone rings. "Hello?" I asked answering the un-available number.

 "WHERE'S THE STUFF?!" That same angry voice yelled. I immediately panicked. Then I realized I'm standing in front of Alex. 

"Excuse me," I said and ran away. I don't know how I'm going to tell him I don't have it.

I practically cried myself to sleep last night. Angel hurt me so much. There was no emotion in his face as he was saying all of that. I put on sweatpants and a tank top and UGGS. I threw my hair in a messy bun, grabbed my stuff and went to school. Me and James are I guess dating. But, kissing him wasn't the same. Then I bumped into something hard but soft.

           Angel. I look up at him and he looks into my eyes. Then his phone rings. "Hello?" He said still looking into my eyes. I hear loud yelling through the phone but I couldn't make it out. Then his face turned a different expression. Scared and some what angry. "Excuse me." He said and ran past me.

           "Angel!" I call after him . He ignores me. I sigh and walk away to my class. History. Angel sits next to me. Well, did. I'm not sure if he changed. I used to sit next to James but that changed after the party. I sit down and the bell rings as soon as I get in class.

               "Okay, Class. I will take attendance." Mr. C said taking out a clipboard. "Michael. Lauren. Katherine." He continued and I hear people saying 'here' and everything. My name was called and I only raised my hand. James hasn't turned around yet to say hi.

          Then Angel walks in. "Late again Waters." The teacher said writing. 

"And you're still bald." Angel said sitting next to me but made no eye contact. 

"Angel, who was yelling over your phone?" I whispered so only he can hear. He rolled his eyes and looked over at me.

      "Mind your business." He said looking away. 

"It is my business if I still care." I said saying the truth. He looked at me.

 "Then stop caring. Because I can't deal with drama I already have enough. Now have fun with your boyfriend James while I'll deal with my own crap. " He said coldly.

            I thought for a second. "But, remember when we were together? Y-You loved me...?" I said and instantly regretted it. He didn't answer. "And I said I love you too.?" His face turned angry. 

"God dammit! Alex! I don't want to be with you. I'm DONE with you. Stop trying . It'll get you no where." Angel said and the teacher stopped talking.

              "Care to explain what you and Alex were talking about Angel?" He asked. I looked at Angel and he stood up. 

"I was saying how I don't want Alex and How I don't want to be with her and how she needs to stop begging me." And after that he left. A few snickers around the room. I let a tear drop down. Not once, has, James turned around to help me.

                  Class ended and it was lunch. I go to the girls bathroom and cry. I get a text message and immediately open it up when I see it's from Angel. It said...

From: Angel
Sorry. We have to keep a distance now.

              I immediately text back. I say why? I burst out crying even more. He answers a couple minutes later.

From: Angel
It's too risky to tell and too dangerous for you to be around me.

              I answered him back. 'No. Please'

           He didn't text back. I guess it's over. I cried and cried. Why is he dangerous. What is he hiding Did he even mean I love you that night? So many questions. But the main one was; What's up with James.


So... Sorry for the late late late update. Been busy! I posted this at 7:19 and I', still up meaning I never went to sleep(: So me... Back to the story!!!

What's Up with Angel. What 'stuff' was rthe guy on the phone talking about? What's with James. Stay Tuned for more!!!

May not be able to update on Christmas and Christmas Eve... But I'll try. Stay tuned ! (Again)


P.S. Obsessed with Vampire Diaries #FirstLove !!! Such a good show! It's on netflix. Team Stefen!!!

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