°Angel Is What?!° Chapter 1

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               We start walking and someone trips me and I fall down face planting the floor. My books scattered all over the place and I held back my tears.

             A group people at me. I feel more people join. I for some reason I looked up to see Angel, arm wrapped around Clarity's waist, them both laughing.

           I felt hurt but then again I did expect something to happen. He's too hot to be nice.

                        "Oh look! She's so fat she can't stand up straight!" Clarity yelled laughing even more.

           And Angel joined in. Laughing as hard. Everyone else joined in. "Are you going to stand there and look at us or actually get up?" Angel said and Clarity laughed and I got up.

              "Listen Clarity, you have a boyfriend... oh excuse me 'true love' and you're flirting with other guys! Now tell me who's the slut? Oh, don't answer, I don't want to make the little puppy cry. And also, Angel, if you want to diss me, Don't ask if I'm just gonna stand there, then tell me to get up. I'm obviously not standing if you're asking me to get up."

             I said with confidence and I picked up my books and walked way before she can say anything back. As I am walking away I hear people saying "Oooooh" and "O D!".

           I hurry and go to science. I want to find a seat next to Heather and Synthia. I walk in before the bell rang. Considering the warning bell rang like 2 minutes ago.

               I go inside and sit next to Heather and Synthia. "Hey girl!" Synthia said smiling. 

"Hi." I mumbled.

 "What happened?" Heather asked worried.

             "Clarity and this new kid who was flirting with me, he turned his back on me with Clarity..." I said all in one breathe.

 "Does he have the same heart as one of us?" Synthia said, and Heather chuckled.

           "No, he covers it up." I said wondering myself too.

"Is he hot?" Heather said making Synthia giggle.

 "You tell me." I said as him and Clarity walked in the class and Heather And Synthia's mouths dropped.

          Clarity gave me an evil eye and him and her sat with the popular's. I sighed. "Good morning class! Welcome back to school!" Mr. C said smiling. Synthia and Heather clapped and the popular's and I groaned.

               "I do have assigned seats! I'll have people who have trouble with science, considering your grades last year. Any ways, they'll be sitting next to people who have good grades!" He said while taking his clip board and flipping through papers before he settled on one. "Okay, here are you assigned seats for the rest of the year."

           I crossed my fingers hoping not to get a popular person. "Heather and Tyler. Synthia and Michelle, Clarity and Angel..."

        They clapped each others hands laughing and I rolled my eyes. The list went on and I wasn't called yet. Maybe I sit alone? "And Alex, you can sit alone right there." He said pointing to the back corner. I nodded my head smiling and grabbing my stuff moving there. Yay! I thought.

             "Okay pass this back and start working for the next 15 minutes." He said passing papers to the tables of two. I got my paper and started working then something hit me.

         I look up and no-one was looking at me. I looked around and then I looked at the floor and saw a note. To: Slutbag I rolled my eyes. And since I'm curious...

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