°I Hate You° Chapter 2xX

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           I was speechless. "No." I said and I started to walk away. He runs after me and he puts his sleeve back down. He grabs my arm and makes me stand there.

He has a tight grip too. "Can I have everyone's attention!?" He yelled and all the students hurried over to him. Especially the girls. "I'm going to let you all see my wrist!" He yells and I immediately try to pull away but no use.

I hear Clarity call out. "Why is she standing next to him? Like she'll find him as her heart match!" And everyone cracked up. Except me and Angel.

            "First, Alex roll up your sleeve!" He told me and I did as told. I rolled it up and showed everyone.

 "Ewww! Like a hot guy will have that tattoo!" Clarity said and everyone laughed again. Except Angel and I.

 "Now, my turn!" He said and rolled up his sleeve. Immediately girls ran over.

And all of them gasped. "It's the same as Alex." The girls said. 

"O M G! His true love is a dog?!" And after Clarity said that people laughed. 

"Shut up Clarity. If I had you as my 'true love' I'd be dating an attention seeking whore!" Angel spat back and she gasped and her face was full of embarrassment.

   "Why are you doing this?!" I said and I ran away.

 "Loserrr!" Clarity called out. I ran to lunch and sat down hoping now to be bothered. Too late for that. 

"Hey, I saw what.. kinda happened there..." James said lowly sitting down next to me.

"I don't even know what happened In the past few minutes....It all happened so fast...He looks at my wrist and I have the same tattoo as him next thing I know we're 'true lovers' and now I'm freaking out because I like you-" I said all in one breathe. He looked at me then smirked. What was funny?

          "You like me?" He asks and I realized what I just said. Uh-oh. "I-I Didn't I-mean, Yeah, Y-You're Nice and An-Angels a jerk..." I said stuttering so much. I hated it.  He smiled this time. "Really?" I was about to answer but his lips came crashing onto mine.

It felt so nice. He was my first kiss. Real kiss anyways. He pulled away smiling. I smiled back and bit my lip. "Breaking the rules??" I asked probably blushing like crazy. Then his expression changes. Into mad and anger. Then someone puts their arm around me kissing me cheek.

       I turn to see who it is.

     I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I hissed. 

"Feisty! My woman is feisty!" He said laughing. 

I looked at James wanting to make Angel jealous somehow. I lean in and kiss James. He immediately kisses back and I let go and break the kiss.

I look over at Angel and smile. He grabs my arm and pulls me somewhere. "Let go!" I yelled and he didn't. We then go into a door and it's very dark. "Angel this isn't fun-" I was cut off my someone grabbing my waist pulling me close and then lips on mine. Very soft but kissed me roughly. I kissed back then pulled away.

     "Who am I kissing?" I said and I heard a laugh. "Me babe." Angel said and putting his lips on mine again. I kissed back. What's James going to say? He licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance but I didn't let him.

That's gross. "Oh, c'mon!" He said. I can feel him smiling. "No-" I was once again cut off by him sticking his tongue in my mouth taking it as an opportunity. I try to pull away but he only held me closer. I can feel him smiling as he finally releases me.

          "Gross!" I said laughing, Making him jealous worked. He put his arms around my waist. 

"Since we have the same tattoo... you know we're dating now right?" He said. 

"What?! Who says?" I say becoming pissed. 

"Says me."

 I sigh. "I don't have to agree." I replied in annoyance.

"Alex Smith?" He said probably looking for my face. It's too dark we both can't see.

 "Y-Yes?" I stuttered. Ughh. 

"Will you be mine?" He said. Oh no?! Should I say yes? I'm going to say no. "Yes." I said. So much for that.

      All of a sudden the lights went on. And we looked over and see the principle standing at the door. "How lovely!" She said being sarcastic. "My office. Now!" Me and Angel looked at each other.

Uh-oh. I hear Angel laughing. Wtf?! We go in and I sit down. "Have any explaining to do?" She said sitting down herself. I saw going to say i'm sorry but I was stopped. "No." Angel said so smoothly.

             "No?" The principle said looking shocked. Obviously faking. "Well, you're not my therapist... so I don't need to tell you about my life. Or things that go on." He said in a 'duh' tone.

I chuckled then covered it up with a cough. She then looked at me and said "What about you Miss Smith?" Uh-oh. I have to fight out my inner nerd. "..." I didn't say anything. "Smith!" She called and I immediately said something I shouldn't.    

                "Can you stop! All you are is a principle! Stop trying to get me to say something to you! What does it look like we were doing? Talking. Wait ... no we were hunting for elephants. In the janitors closet having a random lady watching us do it." Angel bursted out laughing and the principle looked dumbfounded.

         "Get out!" She yelled. I left and me and Angel were laughing. "Nice work!" He said still laughing. "I didn't mean to say that. When I get mad I'm mad." I said smirking. "Omg! Ew! They're together!?" Clarity said. I rolled my eyes.

 Angel looked at her. "No, i'm tricking her. Although we have the same tattoo!" He whispered as if he didn't want me to hear. Clarity snickered and kisses him on the cheek. His face turns red. He's blushing?!

             "Forget what just happened! Don't think we're together anymore!" I yelled. Clarity looked at him funny. "We were never together!!! Stupid." Angel said. Oh this boy.

"Goodbye." I said feeling tears fall down my cheeks and I run to the girls bathroom. I hate him. I hate school. I hate my life. I sighed and reached in my backpack. I went in a pocket and pulled out a razor.

I roll up my sleeve and look at the tattoo. I take the razor and start to cut over it.I hate him. I breathe through the pain. Then the door opens.

        "Oh my god!" Angel yelled. Clarity laughed. "Ew, it's emo." Angel looked guilty but laughed. "C'mon babe. Leave it alone to bleed all over. Has no friends anyways."

That's it. I get up and I smack Clarity and Angel and I run out. I run out of the school. Crying and leaving all my stuff behind. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him!

Hey! Twister I know. A Lot in this chapter(: Hope you like it. Comment,vote,follow!  Untill next time!


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