The Revelation

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Two Weeks Later

Beckett's POV

After a couple of weeks Romeo and Juliet was really coming together. Vanessa was an amazing partner but even more so an amazing choreographer. I don't understand how she does it but the way she is able to hear a song and see a dance number is incredible. The way her face lights up when a new idea pops into her head and the way she likes to dance along with the music to see if her ideas work; she's just so perfect. I'm honestly amazed at the talent she shows on a daily basis.

Today is the first run through of the full performance. It's not a dress rehearsal but instead is just a full run of the show to see if any choreography needs to be changed. Everyone is gathered on the stage for Ms. Helsweel's before show "pep talk"

H: Okay everyone, it's our first run through so just don't mess up because I know there is nothing wrong with the choreography.

V: I'm sure you'll all do amazing! And I can't wait to see the finished product. I'm going to have to have Cassandra step in for me today as my understudy so that I can watch from the audience.

That was shocking for me. I had a feeling something like this would happen but I know that I can't dance my best without her. Ms. Helsweel is going to kill me for not dancing at the capability that I can with Vanessa but I know that I'm not the same without her. I love Vanessa and I'm going to dance with her for the rest of my life.

After Ms Helsweel releases us to get into place I run to Vanessa to talk for a minute

B: Hey V, wait up

V: Hey Beckett, what's up. Shouldn't you be getting into place?

B: Yeah, but it's just that I practiced these routines with you. Not Cassie. There's no way that I can perform our duet without you. At least not to the same ability.

V: Beckett, you've performed without me many times before. This shouldn't be any different. And it's just a run through.

B: I know, but it feels different now. I don't want to ever dance without you. I can't. I don't understand how. My life just isn't complete without you in it.

V: Beckett. I'm still going to be your partner. I promise. I just need to be out in the audience this once. Cassandra is an amazing dancer and I taught her the part. I promise everything will be fine.

B: Vanessa, all I ask is that we perform the duet together. Come onstage for that part only. Have Ms. Helsweel watch that number because the choreography won't look right without it being us two. Please. That's all I ask

V: I don't know Beckett. I won't go against Ms. Helsweel's orders

B: Well then let's ask. Just ask, for me?

V: Okay, fine.

So Vanessa walked over to my mother. All I could make out was some indescribable words but I'm optimistic. For some reason I just had this feeling that something was going to go wrong if I didn't dance with Vanessa. I don't know what it is, but I just know this. I love Vanessa, truly love Vanessa. And I know we are young and I know that this world constantly changes but she is always going to be a constant in my life. I won't do a duet without her. I'd give up dancing for her.

Wait... I'd give up dancing for her! I don't want to live without her! I love her!!! When did this happen. I think I want to marry her!

Vanessa POV:

V: Yes Ms. Helsweel, I think something's wrong with Beckett. He kept talking about how he couldn't dance without me, and he seemed to frantic like something was going to go wrong at any moment. I don't know what's wrong. But please help him. Or at least let me dance the duet with him right now. Maybe that would help him. I don't know. I don't know what to do? What's wrong?

H: Vanessa, first of all calm down. There's nothing wrong. I actually remember when this happened to me one time. Albeit at a much better time but dear. I promise nothing is wrong. But I will allow you to dance the duet with him today. Now go tell him before he has a mental breakdown.

V: Of course, thanks Ms. Helsweel. Let's get this show on the road.

I walk back to Beckett who looks at me with an almost ecstatic look in his eyes. One that I haven't really seen before. He's looking at me like I'm the most perfect thing he has ever seen. I honestly don't understand what is going on.

B: So... what did she say!

V: She said I could perform with you. So now go get on stage before she throws a fit. I'll see you up there for the duet okay?

B: Okay! See you up there! By V

V: Yeah, yeah, by Beckett. Love you, now go dance

After watching the choreography that I worked so hard on come to life. It was time for the balcony scene where I had to dance with Beckett. I quickly hopped onto the stage after a quick text to Cassandra telling her I was going to dance this scene.

While I was dancing with Beckett he kept sneaking glances at me different than what I choreographed. It really looked like he loved me. I think this made the whole dance better. I snuck a glance at Ms. Helsweel and she had a knowing glance on her face. What does everyone know that I don't?!

As the song came to a close and the dance slowly turned into its last lift I felt safe in Beckett's arms and I understood what he said. I knew that I would never feel as safe as I did with Beckett, and I never would have a better partner than Beckett. I love him and I always will. I want to live forever with Beckett. I want Beckett to be my forever partner.

Wait... I want the be with Beckett forever?!!!!  Oh my golly!!! I never want to dance with anyone else. I understand what he means. Does this mean that he feels the same? Could this really work? What do I do now?

I quickly hopped off the stage as the show continued. I made notes about slight choreography changes, but the rest of the show I was on cloud nine and my mind was somewhere else. Thinking about having Beckett as my forever partner.

At the end of the run through, all the dancers met on stage for notes.

H: Alright dancers that was acceptable. Go get some rest and I'll see you in the studio tomorrow for critiques and practice. Class dismissed.

As everyone started to leave, I went up to Beckett.

V: Hey Beckett, can we talk for a minute

B: Sorry V, but I have something I have to go do quickly. But I'll see you later alright?

V: Um yeah, sure. See you later

B: By Vanessa, love you

V: Love you too

V: What was that all about?
I whisper to no one in particular

H: Oh sweetie, believe me nothing is the matter. I think he just has an important phone call to make
(Whispering: to your parents!)

V: What was that?

H: Oh nothing, see you tomorrow. Go get some rest.

V: Alright Ms. Helsweel. See you tomorrow

And I left for my dorm wondering what was the matter with Beckett.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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