The drive there

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Vanessa POV-
6:45 am, 15 minutes before Beckett is supposed to pick me up to go to Prima camp! I'm all ready and just sitting by the door staring at the clock waiting for it to change and for Prima camp to start!
6:50 am, my parents come downstairs to wish me goodbye.
Mom: Oh Vanessa, you're so grown up. Leaving for eight weeks. I won't see you all summer.
V: It's okay mom, I'll be fine.
M: I know, I'm just nervous, I've never gone so long without you. What if something happens. What if...
V: Mom it'll be fine. Stop stressing.

Now you see where I get my stressing nature from.

M: I know, I know it's just...

Luckily Beckett and Ms. Helsweel drove up right then

V: Well mom, looks like my ride's here
M: okay, well I love you. Make sure to text and call me, and I'll see you soon.
V: Love you too mom. See you soon.

Then I left with my bags and met Beckett at the car.

B: Hey
V: Hey
B: So how are you?
V: Great, just stopped a total stress meltdown by my mom so...
B: Aww makes sense, haha
V: Come on let's go. I don't want to be you
B: You better not be stressing out right now
V: I'm not, I just don't like being late
B: I know, let's good

I followed Beckett into the car. Me. Helsweel was driving, and Beckett and I sat in the backseats.

V: Good morning Ms. Helsweel
H: Good morning Vanessa. Are you excited
V: Oh my goodness yes. This is going to be amazing. I can finally dance again, and being Prima captain. This is going to be incredible!!!
H: I'm glad you're so excited, your talent will be greatly appreciated
V: Thanks Ms. Helsweel

As the drive to the airport went on, I fell asleep on Beckett's shoulder.

Beckett POV-
Vanessa just fell asleep on my shoulder. She looks so peaceful and calm and cute. Then, my mom interrupted my thoughts about Vanessa.
H: Awe, aren't you two cute together
B: Thanks mom, but I thought you didn't like the idea of Vanessa and I being together
H: Never, you two seem to be perfect for each other. I only thought you would tear her down, but it seems I was wrong. You make her better, which is almost impossible. But you better not break her heart. She's my best dancer and the leader of the Primas, your leader. So you better take care of her.
B: Seriously mom, you care more about Vanessa than your own son.
H: No of course not, I just know how amazing Vanessa is for you and I was afraid you may not be what's best for Vanessa.
B: Well I asked her to be my girlfriend last night and she said yes, so that must mean something.
H: Really, that's amazing. I'm so happy for you!

Then out of nowhere, Vanessa's phone started ringing and it started her awake.

Vanessa POV-

V: I'm up, I'm up
B: Are you going to answer your phone
V: Oh right. *picks up phone and answers is* Hello?
Carly: V!!! How are you? Are you at the airport yet? Are you with Beckett? Is Ms. Helsweel on the trip too? How are you?
V: I'm great Carly, no, yes, yes, and I'm great! How are you? Have you met Selena yet?
C: No, not yet. Why didn't you call me before?
V: Oh sorry, I fell asleep
C: You fell asleep in the car? What's happened to you? You must be really comfortable around Beckett.
V: Yeah, I guess I am. Plus I was so worried last night that I barely got any sleep
C: Wait what, you know you need sleep girl, put Beckett on the phone now.
V: Uhh okay?
V: Beckett, Carly wants to talk to you
B: Umm okay

I hand the phone to Beckett

Beckett POV-

I'm kind of afraid of what Carly's about to ask me. Vanessa seem confused as to why Carly wants to talk to me.

B: Uh hello?
C: Beckett, is it true that Vanessa fell asleep in the car?
B: Umm yeah, why?
C: Oh, Vanessa never falls asleep in any vehicles. So she either got zero sleep last night, or she truly trusts you with her life. I need you to figure out which one.
B: Oh, um, okay
C: Cool, well you can hand the phone back to V now.

I handed Vanessa back the phone.

V: Hi C
V: Wait really! That's amazing!
V: You really get to do that!
V: Wow, I'm jealous

As Vanessa continued talking to Carly, all I could think about is Vanessa. Does she have sleeping problems when she's stressed? Or, does she love me? I need to get to the bottom of this soon. Maybe I can ask her on the airplane. We are almost to the airport anyway.

5 minutes later...
H: Vanessa and Beckett, we're here!
B+V: Yes!!!

Then, Vanessa and I got our bags and ran to meet the others at the entrance to the airport.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this part. I had fun writing about the drive to the airport. Next chapter will be about the flight to Prima camp!

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