Competition Day Pt 1

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Vanessa POV:

It's the day of the competition. Beckett and I meet in the rehearsal studio at 8:00 a.m. to practice one last time.

B: You excited for the competition?
V: Of course, but I'm more nervous. I mean winning this competition could save our school and set us for life.
B: You're right, but you need to stop thinking about all the what if's. Just dance. Focus on me and just dance.
V: Yeah, but what if I mess up? What if I break my ankle, again? What if we...
B: Vanessa, just dance
V: You're right, of course. Let's practice

After 20 minutes of practicing, Ms. Helsweel came in to see the progress and take the duo to the competition.

H: How are my favorite dancers doing
V: Favorite dancers?

I whisper to Beckett

B: I know right, what's up with her?

He whispers back

H: What?
V: We said great, very excited for the competition
H: That's good, well can I see the dance?
V + B: Of course

After showing the dance five times, taking so many corrections, and feeling so tired, Ms. Helsweel said we were finally ready.

H: This dance is incredible, you are going to crush everyone at this competition! So time to get into costume and makeup and head to the competition!

V: Okay

So Beckett walked me to my room to change before going to his room.

B: I can't believe she just said "crush"
V: I know right! What is happening anymore
B: Exactly, like who is she and what has she done with my mother
V: Haha, well I should probably change now.
B: Probably

10 minutes later and I've changed into my flowy blue purple dress. I've done a nice, light amount of makeup. And, my hair is in a half up half down curled style. Beckett and I did research and it showed that in competitions, judges prefer when dancers show every side of themselves. So in our dance we included hair-ography to show more emotion.

B: Hey Vanessa, you ready?
V: Yeah, let's go.

I open the door to my room and look at Beckett. He looks really handsome in a flowy shirt and pants.

B: Wow Vanessa, you look gorgeous.
V: Thanks Beckett, now let's go

The entire car ride we listened to the song and got into the zone. Beckett and I were going to do so well!

A/N thanks for reading another chapter! Sorry this one is so short, I'll post another one soon.

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