The Competition

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Vanessa POV:

After a five hour drive, we pull up to the competition. The competition is being held in a large convention center in the middle of the town. As I step out of the car, all I can do is stare in amazement at the size of the building.

V: I can't believe we're going to dance here
B: I know right! This place is huge
H: Ehh, you'll get used to it. When you become big stars and all.

I still can't get over the fact that Ms. Helsweel is giving us complements. Mean, cranky Ms. Helsweel is treating me nicely. It's so crazy.

As I'm in my trance, a lady comes to greet us.

Lady: Hello, I'm Mrs. Heidy and I'll be your guide today. Welcome to the competition
H: Thanks, this is Vanessa and Beckett, my two best students competing in the duet category.
L: Oh my, they must be really good then, that's by far the most difficult category. And the winner of that category wins half a million dollars, a scholarship to any dance academy, and recognition for their entire school.
H: Yes well, they are definitely the best!
L: Then let's get them all set up, right this way

We followed Mrs. Heidy into the center. She showed us around the area pointing out where the bathrooms and dressing rooms are, and where we would be performing. Then she showed us to the warmup area and told us we were on in 15 minutes.

B: You ready
V: As ready as I'll ever be
B: Well let's stretch

Beckett and I did some jumping jacks, lunges, and practice lifts before running the dance two times. Then we were ready to perform.

Announcer: On deck for the duets category is Vanessa Morita and Beckett Bradstreet from Keaton School of the Arts

There was lots of applause, more than I've ever gotten before. Beckett and I stood by the side of the stage preparing for our dance. We made sure not to watch the duet before us to not compare ourselves. We wanted to make sure we were completely in the zone.

A: Next competing in the duet category Vanessa Morita and Beckett Bradstreet from Keaton School of the Arts

There were a total of twenty dances in our category, and a total of 19 that we had to beat in order to save our school. We had to win.

Beckett and I walked out onto the large stage and got into our starting positions. I looked out into the audience and saw more then a thousand people watching. This competition must be the biggest in the state, every seat is filled. I wonder how much money Ms. Helsweel had to pay in order to enter us in this competition.

A: ...when you hear the music, the competition will begin

With my newfound determination, I looked into Beckett's eyes and began the dance. I felt the best I ever had. I was lighter than air, getting so much height on my leaps. My balance was impeccable, I was easily able to complete 6 pirouettes straight into a back illusion. And my connection with Beckett made it look like I was completely in love with him, although I don't think there was much acting involved.

Then all the sudden, our two minute thirty second routine ended with Beckett and I in our final ending pose, a lift with me above his head.

Beckett and I bow to the judges and walk offstage with thunderous applause trailing behind us.

V: That was amazing
B: Completely. Definitely the best I've ever performed. Although it was probably because I had the best partner!
V: Awe, no I had the best partner!
B: Haha, never

As we walked to the dressing rooms, Ms. Helsweel joined us

H: That was incredible. You too are definitely going to win
V: Are you sure?
H: Positive, that performance was so much better than all the others
B: Thanks

As we made it to the dressing rooms, we heard even louder applause.  Another dance in the duet category had thunderous applause.

V: Oh no, did they beat us? We need this win to keep our school!
B: Vanessa, I'm sure it's fine. We did so well we definitely still won.
V: You really think so?
H: Definitely
V: Okay
H: Well, awards are in four hours so you two should change, call your friends, and get some dinner.
V: Okay, well we'll see you for awards
H: Sounds good. Remember, 8:00 p.m. sharp
B: Got it mom, now can we change
H: Of course

After I change into normal street clothes, I decide to call Carly

C: Vanessa!!! How are you? I feel like we haven't talked in forever!
V: I know right! I've been so busy training for my competition.
C: Well, how did it go?
V: Amazing!!! It was the best I have ever performed, and my connection with Beckett was perfect
B: Did I hear my name?
C: Hi Beckett
B: Carly! Haven't talked to you in a while. How's the tour?
C: Oh my golly, it's so incredible. Everyone is so nice and it's so fun dancing with them!
B: Carly, did Vanessa tell you the news about the competition?
C: Wait? Did you guys win!?
V: We don't know yet, but if we do we could save Keaton!
C: Really?!? Please win!!!
V: We're trying Carly
C: I know, I know, I just really want to save Keaton
V: We all do Carly
C: Yeah, yeah. Well I've got to go, rehearsal starts in like five minutes.
V: Wow, that's a late rehearsal
C: Yeah, well you know that's the price of fame. Talk soon
V: Will do
B: Always a pleasure Carly
C: Haha, take care of V for me Beckett
B: Will do
V: Bye!!
C: Bye

After hanging up, Beckett and I found a nice restaurant outside of the convention center where we talked and ate until it was time for awards.

A/N sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger, but thanks for reading another chapter.

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