Party Time

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Vanessa's POV:
After lunch, it was party time. Beckett and I went back to our dorms to get ready. While I was in my dorm, Cassandra came in to help me pick out what to wear.

C: Hey Vanessa, what are you planning to wear?
V: Hey Cassandra, my plan is to wear a simple white dress. How does that sound
C: Sounds good, go try it on and let me see
V: Okay, just give me a second

I went into my closet and changed into a pretty white lace dress that went just above my knees.

V: So how's it look
C: Wow, you look beautiful. Beckett is going to love you
V: Great, because I'm supposed to meet him in a couple minutes to go to the party. So you should probably get ready so I can go meet him.
C: Yeah, you're probably right. Just give me a couple of minutes

Cassandra went and got into a floor length navy blue dress that she looks beautiful in.

V: You look amazing! Are you ready
C: Yep, let's go find your man

Then we walked to the boys dorms and to Beckett's room. Cassandra then left to go to the party while I knocked on the door. Beckett then open the door and looked at me like I was the most beautiful person on the planet.

B: Wow, you look so beautiful.
V: Thanks! Are you ready
B: Hey, isn't that my line
V: Well I try to defy stereotypes sometimes
B: I guess you do

Then we walked hand in hand into the ballroom.

Everyone: There they are! The amazing Keaton duo
V+B: Hey everyone, let's get this dance started
B: although if this party doesn't have a chocolate fountain, is it really a party at all
H: well then Mr. Bradstreet, it's a good thing we have a chocolate fountain isn't it
B: yes it is mother, it's almost like you know me
H: Well then, let's get this party started

Almost immediately everyone started dancing to upbeat music.

B: Care to dance
V: Of course, let's go show everyone why we won that competition in the first place.

So then Beckett brought me onto the dance floor and we showed everyone what we got. Everyone gathered in a circle around us screaming
Everyone: Go Becknessa, go becknessa...
And as soon as the the song was over everyone cheered. Then a slow song turned on and everyone got into pairs.

V: care for a slow dance
B: always, so long as it's with you

And then we danced on and on for the rest of the night

B: I love you Vanessa
V: and I love you Beckett

H: Hey everyone, I have an announcement. The end of the summer is coming soon and since Keaton will be back in the fall I have decided that we will put on an end of summer dance showcase and a reopening of Keaton show. I have decided that we will do a rendition of Romeo and Juliet. I will be holding auditions starting tomorrow for many roles, so start planning your audition solos. Also, Ms. Morita I expect you to start preparing some dance ideas. I would like to hear your clever ideas in the morning.
V: Sounds good Ms. Helsweel
H: Alright then, party's over. Everyone go get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning for auditions

So Beckett, Cassandra, and I walked back to our dorms.
V: So Cassie, who are you auditioning for
C: Well, I already graduated, so I think I'm going to direct and hopefully I can help you with some choreography
V: Sounds great, I'd love the help
C: In other news, you two are definitely getting the leads!
B: We better, I can't have any other Juliet by my side
V: Nor I any other Romeo
C: Ugh, you two are just too cute
B: Well, here's my dorm, I'll see you two in the morning bright and early for auditions!
V: Bye Beckett, see you

Then Cassie and I went back to our dorm and went to bed

C: I'll see you in the morning Vanessa, and dream about Beckett being your Romeo
V: Haha, will do Cassie. See you in the morning

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