For Years And Years I Roamed

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If there was one thing I could have from my old life, it would be my IPod. Trust me, after getting used to all the gizmos on an IPod Touch, there is nothing pleasing about a Walkman. You insert a tape, playing it until you are final getting into the album, about half way through, then you have to take the tape out and switch it around to get the rest of the album. It was driving me mad. After one outburst on the train, I decided it was time to get someone to teach me how to get the most out of it. Ben pressed a few buttons, which improved the sound, gave me a new pair of headphones and a tape. I had to admit, it ran a little bit more smoothly than before, though I wouldn’t tell him. I also hadn’t told him about the argument with Noel, it seemed so long ago.

November was the coldest I had ever known it, so I was glad when my agent took me aside to give me the full details about the great escape, or in other terms, touring.

“You’ve got your opening show in New York on the 15th, you’ll be doing three nights in Manhattan before going out to do a few shows in Maine, back down to New Hampshire and finally to New Jersey. It’s not exactly a very long tour but, it’ll be fun. You’ll be flying out to New York in a week, the 14th, giving you enough time to adjust to jetlag. Alright, now you seem to have got that, I’m going to go tell Lizzie just in case you forget it all.” She said smiling.

“Thanks Sarah! I’m so excited! I’ve never been to America!” I grinned. She went off to tell Lizzie, who galloped over, screaming her head off. I caught her, just, as she bounced into me.

“We’re going to the states! Like the real states, with real Americans, real diners, real truckers and real dollars! Oh god, this is going to be so American!” She said, getting more and more excited.

“Liz, this isn’t recent news. We knew ages ago.” I said, attempting to calm her down and failing.

“I know, but it’s here NOW!” She said, grabbing my head and shaking it like I was crazy, which from where I was standing, was not the case. “You wait; I’m going to look so cool!”


I was sure my neck was breaking out in a rash. I looked down at Lizzie, who’s hair had been tickling at my neck all of the plane journey. As she was hugging my arm like I pillow, there was no other way to wake Lizzie up other than violently shrugging my shoulder, shocking her awake. But, because this was Lizzie I was dealing with instead of a normal person, she just grunted and dug her face into my shoulder. I pulled a face of disgust as I was sure there was a damp patch forming where her mouth was. If that was drool… I had no other choice. I slapped her, causing her to sit bolt upright and knock my breakfast everywhere. She looked at me, half her face hidden behind a nest of black hair. I saw her crack a smile.

“Hey, Eve,” she croaked sleepily, giggling slightly, “You look ridiculous.”

“Yeah? Try looking in a mirror, my darling.” I said, trying to mop up the spilt tea. She picked up a spoon and inspected her reflection. She groaned, feeling at her cheek where I had woke her up.

“Did you hit me?” She asked, indignantly.

“No, it was the flight attendant.” I said, pouring the milk into my fresh cuppa.

“That’s abuse, you know? I’m calling the police.”

“Make sure you get the number right, we landed in the United States of America 10 minutes ago.” This shut up her oncoming retort. She leaned over me to look out the window. Then she screamed.

After we gathered our hand luggage, I went down the center aisle to find our touring manager, Harry, and Sarah. They were busy sorting themselves out and we went towards the stairs and off the plane, gathering at the bottom to talk about hotel details.

In Another Life (1993-1996)Where stories live. Discover now