Chapter 50

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~~~~What is love? ~~~~

Third POV: 

"I was looking for a blade," Y/N confessed as her legs gave up on her and she sat on the ground. She was crying uncontrollably and Taehyung had the urge to comfort her. He wanted to, but she yanked him away. She pushed Taehyung away as if he was the last person she needs help from. And this broke his heart into pieces. 

Taehyung slowly open the red box and look at the emerald cut blue diamond ring shining in the bright light. It wasn't any type of ring. Its special. At least to him. It was simple, yet it contains a thousand meanings to Taehyung. 

"I'm sorry that I touch your ring

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"I'm sorry that I touch your ring. I really was looking for a blade. I didn't mean to go through your  things. I'm very sorry Taehyung," Y/N apologized while sobbing. She was weak and fragile and her feelings are messed up. Taehyung hand her his handkerchief from his coat pocket and Y/N took it willingly. 

She doesn't want to show this side of her. Weak and broken. She wanted the other CEO to see her as a strong and a compatible women. But she doesn't know that he already think of her that way. 

"No, don't apologize. I'm sorry my anger took over me. It's just that...this ring means a lot to me," Taehyung closed his eyes as he took a deep sigh. All the memories of this ring came back to the surface. 

Y/N stayed silent, giving Taehyung some personal space with his thoughts. The ring was very simple and Y/N didn't think it was that important. She has saw many men rings and this one contains the old fashion design. So, she didn't think highly of it. 

"Are you not going to ask why?" Taehyung ask. A part of him wants her to be curious about him and his past. But Y/N doesn't seem to care at all and this disappointed him. 

"I'm not in the position to ask about it. It is your personal problem and I respect that," Y/N nonchalantly told Taehyung as her eyes fixed on the maroon carpet underneath them. She was trying her best to get Jungkook out of her head. That was the reason why she couldn't go back to her own home. The memories of him are still there. 

"This ring is my father's ring. This simple ring represent love for him. It was given by my mother on their first anniversary. He told me that he was the happiest man alive. But everything changed after a year and this is all he have from my mother. He loved her with all his heart and she abandoned him because he couldn't pay for our family. She left to own a famous enterprise and hand it to me. But I don't care, Y/N. I only want my family back. And this ring is what my father give to remind me of him whenever he's not beside me...," Taehyung trailed off as he realized that his vision becomes blurry. The tears slowly roll down his cheek as he quickly wipe it away, not wanting to show any weakness in front of the girl he admires and like. He still doesn't know if the feeling is love since he had never felt it before. 

Y/N patted a place beside her on the carpet and told Taehyung to sit beside her. She saw how broken he was just by talking about that ring. She knows how he felt because she also had family issues. "I'm sorry. I didn't know that the ring means so much to you," Y/N confessed as she stare into Taehyung's glossy eyes. 

"You don't have to apologize. How would you know about this ring if I didn't mention it to anyone?" he slightly chuckled as his face turn into a frown afterwards. Y/N was the first person who knows about the ring. Not even Namjoon knows about it. 

"At least you have something to remind you of your father. And your father loves you dearly much," Y/N try comforting Taehyung although she's falling apart. She has to get herself together and comfort this man in front of her. He seems so much different from their first encounter. He was no longer flirty or cocky. But he is also broken like her. 

"Your father loves you too. He just realized it now." Taehyung replied back as he remember the time he took care of Y/N's father. 

"No, he doesn't. Its not love Taehyung, its regret and guilt that changed him. Love is so much more than that. Love is honesty and trust. Love is helping one another. Love is mutual respect. Love means that differences can be work out through words and understandings. Not beatings and unreasonable scoldings. Whether it is a love between father and a daughter. Whether it is a love between two people. Love is built with respect and understandings. When you love someone, you start to prioritize another's well-being above your own. Love is so much more, Taehyung. Its complex too," Y/N told him as the memories of Jungkook and her came back. They had trust and understandings. They help each other and protect to the end of the world. But now, everything is gone. 

"I honestly don't know what love is. No one has ever understand me inside and out. They only see the surface as a rich womanizer. There are people who respect me because I am the CEO of the enterprise, but they never respect me for who I am. The boy from Daegu that loves photography like his father. No one ever ask me what I wanted to do, they only know what they want me to become. Namjoon, Jin, and Jimin helped me out when I was struggling and I know that's love. But that's the only love I know and have." Taehyung confessed as he curl up into a ball and stare at the carpet. 

"Taehyung, I don't want you to keep going through shits with me. I can handle everything on my own. Do you see me as a weak girl that can't do anything?" Y/N ask the question that she's been asking in her mind for the longest time. Why is he helping her?

"No, never. You were never weak and never will be. At first, I was bothering you because I wanted our enterprises to collaborate. But now, everything change," he confess as he try his best to use correct words. 

"What change?" Y/N ask as she look back at his face again. His side view was calm and peaceful. His flawless face somehow clears her mind. 

"Feelings. I no longer want to bother or annoy you unless you are comfortable. I think about your problems a lot more than my own. I wanted to help and respect your decisions at the same time. I trust you and I believe you. I understand the pain you went through but I know mine is nothing compared to yours. I try my best to help you out and make sure you're comfortable with everything. The feelings are complex and I don't know. But I know I want to help you. I have no intentions behind." Taehyung confess as Y/N start to feel the relief. But she still couldn't let him in her life because she's scared he might leave her too. Even her 21 year old friend that has been with her for 18 years left her. Taehyung who just met her will leave her too. 

"Thank you, Taehyung. And thanks for taking care of my father. I know I have never said this but I see you more than just a rich womanizer. You are so much more than that. And I hope you know what love is now," Y/N face Taehyung as he was already staring at her. 

"I think I now know what it is," Taehyung confess as he look into her eyes. Love is what I feel for you, Taehyung said in his mind. 

Y/N sighed as the topic about love reminds her of him again. They had mutual understandings. They had everything. "Love is what I felt for him," she whispers lowly but Taehyung heard it. And this broke his heart again. 

Maybe this love was never meant to him. Maybe he doesn't deserve love at all. He thought as he stood up and give Y/N a reassuring smile and left the room. 

(This part is sad for me to write. Please bear with me guys. There are more to come.)


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