Chapter 8

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~~~~Those who are heartless, once cared too much~~~~

Taehyung's POV:

I woke up with a killer headache, feeling sick and dizzy. I couldn't remember how much shots I had last night, but I had a lot.

I kept ordering drinks, not wanting to stop the conversation between Y/N and I. By the time I'm on my third cup, she finished one. I was the one who kept initiating the conversation, and she was quiet. Its just me doing all the talks and jokes, keeping her entertain. I do remember her unblocking me though; it was a dare.

But why would a girl ignore me from the start? Or like not even feel attracted to me? Sure, she is rich and stuff, but I am rich too. Why would she keep hiding herself from me? Is she playing hard to get?

My phone suddenly ring, pulling me out of my thoughts.


"Taehyung! You are late for work! Where the hell are you?" Namjoon yelled at me from the other side.


"Hold up! I'm on my way! The traffic is too long!" I bluntly lied, ignoring the fact that I am still wrapped up in a cozy blanket.

He hung up without replying, and showed up at my house. I hate it when he knows me too well.

"So, seems like its a long traffic," he stated, looking at my messy room.

"Hyung! I'm sorry! I don't feel well," I pretend to be sick, not wanting him to know that I'm hungover.

"Well..lets go to Jin hyung's hospital, I am pretty sure he knows how to take care of your hangover."

Shit...caught in a lie again.

Time skipped......HOSPITAL

Namjoon hyung dragged me to the reception and got an appointment. I was looking around the hospital, reminiscing the moments when Jin hyung took care of me. He was like a mother and a friend.

Ever since my father died, my mom and I took care of each other. But my mom is currently in England, being a designer. So it leaves me with no one but my hyungs to take care of me.

"You can go in sir," a nurse came to us and lead us to Jin hyung's room.

"I haven't seen you for a long time Taehyung.." Jin hyung welcomed me with his warm smile, reminding me of an alpaca. Damn! I should get him one of those white Alpacas so then he can name it 'RJ'.

"I kinda feel tipsy," I told him, rubbing the back of my neck shyly.

"Stop drinking too much! Now you can't work," Jin hyung scold me with a tone of a mother.

"Its gonna be fine. Just give me some pills and I'm good to work."

"Namjoon is going to be mad at you," Jin warned, reminding me that Namjoon is waiting for me outside. A moment of silent was taken away by the nurse.

"Dr. Kim, I think Mr. Choi's situation has gone worse. He is coughing blood," she worriedly told Jin, asking for help.

"Okay, I will come in a minute," he told her, as she leaves the room.

"Mr. Choi?" I asked him, reminding me of Y/N. Her full name is Choi Y/n, but she never mentions it.

"Yes, he is diagnosed with lung cancer. We've been persuading him to take the surgery to remove the tumor, but he insists 'no'. He keeps telling us that his daughter won't like it. And that he will be wasting his daughter's money," Jin hyung sighed.

"Then, I will pay for him," I told Jin without thinking twice.

"Are you sure? His daughter is someone you know...and do you think she will like it?" he asked me. he Y/N's father???? Like the man she was referring to in her office. The man she doesn't want to see??

"Choi Y/N?" I asked Jin calmly, hiding my curiosity and interest.

"Yes. It's her. She never came to see him, or even ask us about his condition. She doesn't care. Yet, he thinks about her," Jin sighed again and stood up.

"Just take the pills that I gave you, and you'll be fine Taehyung." With that, he left the room.

Jin hyung left me with complicated thoughts. I never thought that Y/N would do this. Why is she so cold and heartless?

On the car....

" me to Y/N enterprise, Y/N took my jacket yesterday," I lied. Dammit, I've been lying to him all day.

"Hm...are you guys dating?" he asked me, raising his eyebrows.

Pfft. I wish. It would be fun dating another CEO, and then play with her. I could've got the collaboration too, if Y/N is not being cold and harsh.

The car stopped in front of her enterprise. I stepped out of Namjoon's car and walked inside the office with confidence.



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