Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


               "Thank you." Nyema said smiling as she grabbed her license out of the girls hand at the DMV. She looked over her picture and was surprisingly satisfied with it. Most people she know hate their license picture but hers was actually really good. She had got up early this morning to come and get her license, she was tired of having to catch a Uber or have Nyla drive her everywhere. Nyla had two cars that she switched between and stressed to Nyema that she could drive one but Nyema wasn't used to Texas drivers and didn't want to have a run in with the cops if she was to get pulled over. So she made it her duty to get up bright and early to get one.

Leaving out of the DMV Nyema checked the time on her phone then opened the Uber app to request another car to take her back home. While waiting she opened Instagram and begin to scroll down her timeline. Clicking the search bar she typed in Amil Logan and his page instantly popped up. Ever since the other night at the party she had been thinking about him here and there. She couldn't seem to get his face out of her head and it wasn't like her to ever be this way over any guy. Before prison she didn't date.... Well not the kind of dating normal people did. Her types of dates consisted of sex and/or anything to get information from certain types of niggas, and those "dates" were set up by Terrance.

"Nyema?" a cute blonde haired girl in red Acura questioned as she pulled up in front of her.

"That's me." she replied stepping off the sidewalk to the car.

Getting in the car and saying a quick 'Hey', Nyema gave her focus back to Instagram while also making sure to keep an eye out on the road to make sure the driver was going the correct way. She would hate to have to beat this girl ass if something started getting fishy. She had heard plenty of horror Uber stories and didn't want to ever end up in that type of situation.

Looking back down into her phone she scrolled down his page and threw her head back when she accidentally hit the heart. "I cant even fucking lurk without doing some shit." she mumbled to herself. As she clicked the lock button on her phone and sat it in her lap.


"Girl that man has millions of followers you think he gonna notice you liked a picture?" Che said stuffing her mouth with chips while they were on FaceTime. Nyema was still tripping on herself for even doing that, that was rule number one of lurking and she had failed.

"Bitch I don't know, but for real Che that man is fine as fuck. If he wasn't who he was and if I wasn't scared to be out in public with him because you know, then I would have went with him that night."

"Yea I get it, definitely probably ain't the greatest thing to do on your first couple weeks out though. Besides, what do we know about football players? They're cheaters, abusive, some of them do drugs; You probably dodged a bullet anyways."

"Che!" She scolded, shocked that her best friend would say that. 

Of course people have their reserves and Nyema was aware of that, she had her own about people in the lime light, but for Che to say all those things she was kind of upset. In a sense from their little conversation Nyema had felt that Amil was different. He was upfront, and sweet when they first met. She didn't like Che speaking that type of negativity into the air about him, but she was going to let it go for now, and just start up a new conversation. It was no use in getting worked up over a guy that she probably wouldn't see again or talk to. 

The two girls ended their FaceTime call just as she heard the front door open behind her. In walked Nyla with Jaylen right in toe holding a bunch of grocery bags. Nyla smiled brightly at her sister as she come over to give her a hug from behind the couch while Jaylen headed into the kitchen to set the groceries down. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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