Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


"Make this shit quick Duchess." T said pulling up in the driveway of the place she used to call home before she got kicked out a year ago.

Nyema jumped out of the car and opened the back door to grab the gift bags and balloons she was going to give Nyla for her seventeenth birthday. Stepping around the car to get to the walkway Nyema closed her eyes and blew out a long sigh because she noticed that both of her parent's cars were in the driveway. She was hoping they wouldn't be home so she could be in and out, but seeing that they were there, she knew it wouldn't end well. She hasn't seen nor talked to them in well over a year, the only person she kept in contact with was her sister. She would speak to her mother but being that she was always trying to please her Father and show that she was on the same page as him she rarely spoke back, but as far as conversation there was none, especially with her father.

Making her way to the front door Nyema put all the bags and balloons in one hand while she smoothed her hair down and pulled on the crop top she wore down a little with her free one. Looking at her reflection in the glass of the doorway satisfied, she began to knock then rang the doorbell. Waiting for what seemed like forever she finally saw the curtain move to the side and shortly after that the door opened.


"Hey mama." Nyema spoke watching her mother stand in the doorway with a shocked expression.

Of course her mother was shocked to see her on the other side of the door because no one expected Nyema to show up, not even Nyla. She talked to her a few days ago and said she would try to make it over to see her on her birthday, but she didn't want to promise her that for sure in case she wouldn't have been able to.

Opening the door for Nyema to step in, she walked through the door she sat the bags on the floor next to her while looking around. Noticing that nothing has really changed and everything still looked the same as it did a year ago Nyema got flashbacks of the day that she was kicked out by her dad and seen how her mother just let all of this happen. She knew her parents wouldn't accept her lifestyle and her choices, but she was tired of having to portray this perfect lifestyle that she knew was all fake. She did the right things and kept her image for the sake of her parents up until her eighteenth birthday and being the boss of her own life also cost her a home in that same year.

"Can I hug you?" Mrs. Sady asked.

"Yes," Nyema replied with a small giggle.

Walking into her mothers embrace they hugged for what felt like an eternity but was really only a few seconds. Pulling back from the hug Nyema watched as her mother wiped a tear from her face.

"I'm so glad you're safe." She said touching Nyema's face.

"Yeah I'm good." Nyema said feeling awkward because just a year ago up until now her mother never showed these types of emotions for her not even the night she was kicked out. She stood there nonchalant as she watched her leave the house.

Too into her thoughts about her mother Nyema snapped out of it and remembered why she was here in the first place when she heard T's car horn blare from outside. She knew she had to hurry up and give her, her things before T caused a scene like he always does when shit doesn't go his way, and even though her and her parents weren't on good terms she doesn't want to bring drama like that to their home.

"I'm gonna take these up to Nyla, I can't stay long," Nyema said picking up the bags and walking past her mother towards the stairs. Having to walk by her father's office she noticed him coming out.

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