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You will
Forever be
My always...💕

              ' You should check that video Vinny... He was blushing...' Samriddhi was grinning...and Vinny could feel the smile in her voice.

' I didn't get to see the video yet...send me the video if possible?' A blushing Avi is a sight that she never wanted to miss. So she made sure she get it from Samriddhi as soon as possible.

' Yeah sure Vinny'

' When are you coming to see us... You can come when Bhai is not around too..you are always welcome'
It wasn't official yet but Vinny was so sure that her Bhai had his eyes glued on Samriddhi. His unannounced visits has increased for the past few months was enough for her to trust her instinct on that.

' Oh.. yeah sure, Varun is planning to come on this weekend... I would love to see my munchkin. How's Avni doing?'

Vinny smiled knowingly that Samriddhi was equally whipped with Varun. It was good to know that her Bhai won't be  lonely  anymore.

' Avni and her dada are cuddling here..'

Vinny stepped into the living room from the patio, pushing her wet hair into the shoulder and tucking a few strands of hair behind her ears. Her powder blue maternity frock bounced around her knees as she walked.

' Avi is not working? Work from home?'
Vinny smiled before replying. It's amusing to see how Avi was spending all his time with Avni.

' No, he says he is on paternity leave' Vinny chuckled listening an ' awww that's so sweet ' from Samriddhi.

' That interview, you were talking about, is the only work that he had done for the past two weeks. Don't know weather Arjun would kick him out of the company '

' Oh... don't worry! They are expecting too...they will understand' Samriddhi said hesitantly.

'Bhai is giving you all updates I see..' Vinny suppressed a bubbling laugher.
' It's totally okay by the way ...send me the video please?'

' Yeah, I am sending you right away. And watch the last four or five minutes, the very important part ' 

With that they hung up the call. Vinny  reclined on the couch , waiting for the message to pop up, meanwhile listening for any notions that Avni needed her, which she couldn't detect at all. Avni was being a nice kid so far, she slept most of the day like any newborn and she seemed to like it when Avi talked to her..like she recognised his voice. It was fun to watch them together and Vinny's favourite part of the day nowadays.  Avni was just adorable with her black eyes and dimpled pink cheeks and her black curly hair.

It has been two weeks since they brought Avni home. Their precious little daughter. Just thinking about her baby, made her smile. It was mesmerising, how a tiny little human could bring so much joy into their lives.

Her phone chimed and vibrated in her hand breaking her reverie.
It was Samriddhi's message as she expected. Vinny started watching the video she had sent.
This interview was given to a local news channel on their business news program. Only a portion of the interview was shown in the news and the channel had published the entire interview on their YouTube channel.
Vinny skipped it to the last five minutes, which Samriddhi had mentioned before.

' Tell me about your personal life Mr. Rao. We all knew that you are married to the only daughter of Krishna Reddy, Vihani Reddy. How's your married life going?'
The interviewer was a man in his mid forties, with an oval face and plump features. His hair was bit grey and thin , he looked like a person with great interest and knowledge in his field, who knows how to do his work well.
Avi was looking dashing too, in his white shirt and navy blue trousers. He smiled to the question and rubbed his nonexistent beard like he was giving the question a serious thought.

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