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        It was early morning. Early morning light emerged through the clouds, colouring it in hues of pink  orange. For a weekend, it was a lot earlier for Vinny to get up and take a shower. She usually preferred to cuddle with her little family since they will be spending some quality time together or would visit the kids in NGO home.   So Vinny was not in a hurry to head somewhere, still her pulse raced in excitement. She quickly finished her hot shower,  towel dried herself and tied the bathrobe around her. She made her way towards the huge mirror in their washroom briskly. Vinny  hummed a happy song and smiled at her reflection on the mirror. Surely she felt like a lady with a purpose today.

'Avi..are you up??'
Vinny called him up in a low voice making sure not to wake up Avni.

' Yeah... What happened?' Avi replied sleepily.
Vinny smiled listening to his sleepy voice. Usually she won't wake him up on weekends. Like everyone else, Avi loved his morning sleep but today, she was too excited to be that considerate.
So she didn't hesitate to wake him up.

' Come here na?and help me?'

' Why?? Do you want me to blow dry your hair?'
She heard him getting out of the bed and fiddling with the drawer to get the dryer.

' Yes please'

' Yeah and I am at your service ma'am ' he teased her stepping into the washroom.

' Did you even dried your hair? It's dripping wet..' Avi took a towel from the rack and started drying her hair and kept murmuring ' what are you going to do without me' while doing so.

'Stop nagging Avi... that's why you are here. You have got expert in all these  because of kiddo..' she pulled a face as he proceed to blow dry her hair.

He rolled his eyes at her reflection in the mirror as he continued with his job.

' All done.. Ready for the day ma'am ?' Avi turned her around to look at her properly.

' Yes sir. Thank you for the kind service though.. Don't know what I will do without you ' Vinny winked playfully, making it in a light tone rather than admitting the fact.

' Oh...I am flattered...' he put his right hand on his chest dramatically making Vinny chuckle.

There are days when Vinny pause for a moment and think if she hadn't met Avi , what would have happened to her and Avni. She was so grateful for having him in her life that she didn't know what to do with herself. They still bickered and drove each other crazy at times and had their fair share of arguments over the years but they were madly in love with each other. They moved back to Visakhapatnam after Avni's first birthday. Avi's business was doing well and Vinny has started working with a NGO which worked for the well being of underprivileged children.
Varun and Avi was her strong pillers of support when she came up with a plan to introduce organic gardens in anganwadis in Andhra Pradesh to provide fresh and healthy food to children. Curry tree and Varun's organic farm helped this cause a lot. This not only came as a boon to the underprivileged children but also accelerated the anganwadi workers as well as lots of families in the same direction. This initiative made a huge difference in those children's lives and even government appreciated their efforts to bring down the malnourishment rate in the state. It made Vinny so happy to do something meaningful, at the same time, it made her feel more humble and value each and everything in her life. Vinny hoped that her baby girl would grow up with a heart filled with empathy and kindness to everyone. Vinny and Avi made sure that Avni got the chance to mingle with kids in the NGO whenever they were volunteering.
Avni was bright and cheerful and made everyone around her happy. She loved to play with all of them and helped them in gardening. She was becoming an expert in recognising all kind of plants and vegetables even though she was still a little child.

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