Chapter 16

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I hear voices in my head,it keeps getting louder and louder.I fluttered my eyes open to see a blurry people in the room.

"Ava....Avaa...."Someone knowns my name...I fully opened my eyes to see (y/n) and the daemos.

"(y/n)?What happend?"I tiredly ask.

"Prisone–Princess!"Asch said.

"You almost died!My healing magic didn't work on you!!"Leif exclaimed

"Yes"Pierce agreed.

"Damn,so you guys weren't a fever dream..."I said.

"Nope we're real!"Noi said with a joyful smile.

"Well Ava you got sick...So the boys and I helped you get better!"(y/n) said with a smile.

I looked around the room and myself and realized I'm fully dressed,I instantly put my arm over my torso.

"D-did you guys dress me?!"I said with wide eyes.

"No,I did I didn't want the boys to see you naked!Even though they have seen you once..."(y/n) said mumbling the last part.

"Thank you for taking care of me..I'm grateful to all of you"I said with a weak smile.

"Don't flatter yourself human..You know why we need you–"I interuped him with my couching then Asch's eyes wided.

"A-are you alright?!"Asch exclamined as we all look at him disbelief.

"w-what?!I need her not to die yet!!"Asch said flustered.

"Aweee Prince Aschy getting soft ay~"(y/n) cooed as she giggled.

"S-shut it,I'm not getting soft.."Asch mumbled.

"Asch I'm okay now..I'm feeling much better now that I have rest,It will take a day or two but I'll be back to normal if you guys keep taking care of me.."I said weakly.


"Ava...You need to eat,soo I made Rhys,Asch and Leif to make you food!Even thought they made too much.."I said scratching the back of my head.

"Really?Well...I'm a bit hungry"She said.I nodded and went to the kitchen to get her the chicken soup from the kitchen and saw Rhys still reading the cook book.

"You know,I can recommend you some books to read if you like?"I said as he flinch.He looked at me with wide eyes then calmed down.

"Oh I'm sorry if I surprised you"I snickered.

"It's alright princess,also what books do you recommend to me?"He asked as he pushed up his glasses.

"Hmm...When Angels Fall and Diaries Rebirth.
There fantasy stories,I'm not sure If you whould like them but they are interesting books!"I said with a smile.

"Hmm I'll think about it"He said.

"Well I need to return to Ava's room since she's awake and hungry"I said walking to the kitchen table and grabbed the soup and went back in her room.

"Wait,Princess Ava is awake?!"Rhys called out.

"Hey Ava here's your food,I'm sorry but it's cold.."I said with a frown.

"Here let me heat it up"Asch said as he grab the bowl from my hands and started heating it up with his magic.The soup started to bubble then it slowly died down.Asch went to Ava and sat on her bed.

"Open your mouth"Asch said with a spoon full of chicken soup.

"Dang (y/n)'s right you got soft"Ava smirked.

~•An Unexpected Love•~ (My Inner demon x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now