Chapter 40

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After our ride on the roller coaster,Ava,Aphmau,Steve and I felt like puking..I absolutely love roller coasters but I always ended up feeling nauseous.The four of us sat on a bench as our life span drains away.

"Did that ride kill them?"Leif asked poking my cheek.

"They look dead to me.."Asch said holding his laughter.

"Babe you look like a mess.."Aaron said comforting his girlfriend.Patting her head.

"Uhhgg that was so fun but I hate the feeling that I'm gonna puke.."I grumbled.

Noi giggled and pat my head"It's okay prince–I mean (y/n) it was really fun!"He smiled,it was so bright.'Why is he so pure...I'm so happy to be his friend...maybe...not a frien–WHAT THE HECK AM I SAYING?!'I flushed and slapped my face.

"I brought water who needs some?"Laurence asked holding 4 bottles of water.The half dead people raised their hands Laurence gave the water to each of us.

"Thanks Laurence your a life saver.."I said chugging down the drink.

"Yeah thank you.."Ava and Aphmau said.

As Steve still drinks his water giving Laurence a thumbs up.

"I must say that ride was thrilling...What are other things we should do here?"Rhys said adjusting his glasses.

"Hmm I don't know~"Lorelai sighed rubbing her temple.

"How about we all split into groups!"Kawaii-chan suggested it.

"Sounds alright"Zane agreed.

"Yes"Said Pierce.

"Why don't we play rock paper scissors to see who get's to be in each group!"Lorelai said estatic.

"Okay then let's do this!"Travis said with a smile.

~•Few minutes later.•~

I was with my group that include Asch,Noi,Laurence,Rhys,Zane and Kawaii-Chan.What a unique kind of group,we all decided to walk around the festival and meet at the haunted house in 2 hours.

I was walking beside Asch and Kawaii-chan.
Somehow Asch has been a bit clingy these days?I'm not sure why but it's kinda cute.

"(y/n)-chan,can I call you that?How did you meet Travis-kun?"Kawaii-chan asked.

"Yeah you can call me that,how I met Travis...Well I met him in Highschool were acquaintance,I only spoken to him about 2 -3 times in my life."I explained which caught a certain brunette head attention.

"You went to Pheonix Drop High?"He was suddenly infront of me.
'Ahhhh shit...what do I do now?'I thought sweating.

"I don't recall seeing you in highschool..."Zane then spoke up.

"W-well actually you might since I have is reputation in highschool being the uhhh.."heartbreaker" which I did not enjoy"I said nervously.That made their eyes wided in shock.


"Ahhh I see.."

"(Y/N)-chan is THE HEARTBREAKER?!"

All of them said it at once which made the boys flinch and huddle around me making a cage around me.They are so over protective.

"Don't hurt her.."Noi growled.

"Leave.Her.Alone."Asch snarled giving them a death glare.I looked at them and then to the others with shocked faces.I tug onto Rhys sleave hinting to stop this.He nodded and sighed.

~•An Unexpected Love•~ (My Inner demon x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now