4-A Girl and Exams

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🌑=Doesn't know Haruhi's gender
💡=knows her gender

Autumn's POV

I had promised Kaoru I would come today. It had been a week since last time. Just keep it positive. Only moody one is Hikaru. I gently opened the door. I walked in quickly noticing the club's "dog" Haruhi ahead of me across from Honey. [🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑💡🌑] (Kyoya already knew.)

I came over to the pair intrigued to figure out what was going on. Honey said he'd lend Haruhi Usa-chan. Haruhi said he didn't like bunnies. This made Mitsukuni ask, "You don't like my bunny?"

Haruhi's eyes widened while staring at the bunny. Haruhi stated, "I-it's cute."

Mitsukuni stared up, "Oo." . [🌑💡🌑🌑🌑💡🌑] (Mitsukuni)

Tamaki came over, "It is nice to gaze upon such a dashing princess. Any guest is a guest of mine." Then he flashed a bright white smile. Then Tamaki turned to Haruhi. The twins had took off his glasses. Tamaki then ordered everyone around.

I went over and looked at Haruhi. "They're crazy, huh?" Haruhi nodded and sighed.

"They are." Haruhi stated. I felt confusion hit me. I looked at Haruhi's huge wide eyes. Hmm... I then looked Haruhi up and down. I noticed she didn't have an Adam's apple. [🌑💡💡🌑🌑💡🌑] (Autumn)

Wait, is that even right?! I thought this was a club of only dudes. I guess I'm wrong but I should ask anyway. "Haruhi, you're a..." I went to ask yet my brothers latched onto her arms taking her away.

Soon enough the twins were try to push themselves into the changing room with Haruhi. Yet Haruhi tossed them out refusing to let them be in there with her. Suspicions confirmed, I guess. [🌑💡💡💡💡💡🌑] (Hikaru and Kaoru)

Soon enough Haruhi came out in the uniform looking like a proper guy. I mean she passes for a dude. Tamaki was overwhelmingly doting on Haruhi. She called out, "Mori Senpai help me please."

This got Mori to stand up leaving the table and rushing over to help the short person. His eyes widened as he picked Haruhi under the arms. He said, "Ah." I could tell he was surprised yet still held her up in the air. [💡💡💡💡💡💡🌑] (Mori)

After setting Haruhi down he came back to the table. He seemed slightly more stoic probably trying to cover up his surprise.

Tamaki grabbed Haruhi's shoulders, "I have a brilliant idea guys! Let's make him a host!" She didn't directly deny but I know she still was on edge.


A few days later I heard a knock on my door. "Yes?" I called out.

"Can I come in?" I heard Kaoru respond.

"Of course!" I yelled. He opened the door and came in. I flopped onto my belly staring at him. "Sooo?"

He giggled and came to sit down beside me. "So, boss found out that Haruhi was a girl today."

I slapped his arm. "No way." I lightly said to which he laughed. "Well, quit holding it. Tell me about it."

"Fine," he grumbled yet I could see the grin he could barely hold. "Well, one of boss's regulars came in and requested Haruhi."

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