Chapter 2

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"Mickey, you okay?" I asked, looking up as Michele parked the car outside our new school.

"Yeah.... I just smell some very strong vampires." He said glancing around, trying to pin down where the smell was coming from.

"Wait what?! I'm confused. I thought we tried to go places without other vampires." Said Iñaki slightly mockingly, looking annoyed at the thought of having to deal with other vampires.

"Well, if they are here and people aren't screaming, they're probably vegetarians like you all." I sighed "we should go in. Otherwise we'll never get this over with." 

"Why do we have to do this? Why can't we just live our lives and not have to keep face?" Complained Aki getting out of the car. Alessio, Matteo and Maggie quickly got out of their car to join us.

"You just complain because you do not get to stay home and spend time with your husband." Chuckles Matteo elbowing the small girl. Who had just finished talking.

"I mean, that seems fair. I still don't really get why she has to be here. It's not like anyone would notice if she wasn't." Commented Maggie as we slowly made our way away from the cars.

I looked around, tuning out the all too familiar conversation. People were staring. This wasn't always out of the ordinary, especially since Forks was such a small town. When we went to larger schools it was much easier to blend in, but since we were such a large coven it was difficult to stay somewhere and stay under the radar, so we often ended up in small northern cities. 

Once we finally made our way into the office, we were greeted by a smiling woman who was most likely in her late fifties.

"Hello!!!! You all must be the new students. Part of the Rossi family!" She greeted sweetly "here are your schedules. We made sure that you're in the same lunch period. Just to try to ease the transition a little bit."

"Thank you so much ma'am" said Iñaki, smiling kindly at the woman, shaking her hand.

We had a system. The Hybrids or Maggie, the only human in this situation, would do the face to face talking. It's not like Matteo, Alessio or Michele weren't good at talking to people. They weren't going to pounce on any human who crosses their path. It was just simpler this way. Our hands aren't cold, so we didn't raise any red flags, and because we were such a large group generally no one tries to say hello to every one of us individually.

"You should head on your way to class. It starts in about seven minutes. All of you have class down the hall to the right, so just start going that way and look at the room numbers. If you need anything, the faculty will be more than willing to help." She said smiling. A mixture of "thank you's" and "have a good day's" were heard as the seven of us exited the office and started down the hallway. 

The Rossi Coven [1] Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now