here comes the sun

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"June," I whispered to myself, flipping my calendar to the correct month ten days after it had already started, "how is it already June?"

I shook my head and let out a deep sigh, slipping my slides on before walking down the stairs.

"I'm going out," I called to my mom, who just grunted in response.

I opened the front door and stepped out onto the street and held my hands above my eyes, the sun streamed through the leaves and melted across my skin, leaving me feeling warm and fuzzy in the way only summer weather could.

Quarantine had basically been lifted, just because everyone decided to stop following it. Of course officially we were still under lockdown, but nobody was really enforcing it. People were meeting up, sometimes wearing masks, sometimes not.

College was around the corner, and at this point I was begging for literally anything to happen. For four months now we'd all been stuck at home, rewatching the same Netflix shows and reading the same fanfiction on Wattpad repeatedly.

Kennesaw State Uni was calling my name at this point...and I couldn't wait. So what, classes would have social distancing guidelines and the classes are a total mess right now because of it. My schedule might be hell and everything is way too expensive, but it's the next chapter of my life.

The next chapter of my life with my new college roommate...

"Hey," Jeremy called, running down the steps of his front porch loudly, his weight making the old wood creak. His smile was wide, as it always was, with that typical hint of cocky teenage boy at its corners.

"Hey," I smiled back, equally as giddy as him. I still wasn't used to this, this being able to see him so closely, feel his skin as he took my hand.

"So, what's the plan for today?" He asked, snatching my hand and stuffing it in his cargo pants pocket, my fingers becoming entangled with his hand and his earbuds.

"Hmmm," I looked back up at the leaves, the gently shining sun. "I think it's the perfect day to pick up some Chick-fil-A and rewatch Voltron."

"It does seem to be the weather for that," he laughed along, already leading the way to his car.

"So, did you get the bathroom stuff?" Jeremy'd chosen that to be his dorm spending responsibility.

"Oh, uh..." Jeremy stammered, "Of course."

"Of course," I repeated in fake annoyance, "You pulled an all-nighter playing Warzone, didn't you?"


"And now your mom isn't letting you go shopping until tomorrow."


"But you're planning on pulling another all-nighter tonight. Only this time with Animal Crossing."

Jeremy sighed, before turning to me and smiling. "Why do you know me so well?"

He leaned over the armrest of his driver's seat, glancing down at my lips, then back at me. I swallowed slowly, gripping my seatbelt harshly and looking at him nervously.

"Just a...a talent, really," I mumbled, "nothing too exciting."

"Oh I think you're plenty exciting," he teased, pecking me on the lips and plopping back into his seat.

My heart was going a mile a minute, and I was sat still, just staring at him as he backed out on his driveway.

"If you're already like this while we're going to pick up the Lord's chicken..." I muttered, just loud enough for Jeremy to hear, "then what the hell are you planning on doing when we live together?"

Jeremy just snickered, and kept his eyes on the road.

- - - - -

Thank you for sticking around. Unfortunately, this is the end of Quaranteens. With my state's quarantine going back to being virtually nonexistent, there really is nothing more to base it on anymore. I only created this story as an escape from the boredom of my own four bedroom walls.

Don't worry though. I'm going to bring Nathan and Jeremy with me to college, just like I dragged them through quarantine with me.

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