cloud watching

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The sun felt warm on my skin, I'd decided to go shirtless lately to get rid of that nasty farmer's tan. Grace decided that it was only proper for us to wear swimsuits and sunglasses in order to pretend we were at the beach. Granted, that made it a bit hard to see the clouds, we were supposed to be cloud watching after all.

"And, so yeah, we're gonna meet every day on our porches I guess." The faded yellow beach towel felt rough against my skin, but it soaked up the sun and felt like it was fresh out of the dryer. Grace had her old fairy princess beach towel that was fraying at the ends, I remember her seventh birthday when she got it. Thrilled was an understatement.

"So Jeremy's your new best friend now."

"Oh please, as if," I scoffed.

"Practically dating."


"Making out on your porches now, huh? Social distancing my ass."

"Oh my God..."

"Ditching me for a gamer boy, no, I get it. I guess he's pretty cute."

"Oh my God!" I laughed, covering up my quickly heating face with my hands. Grace broke character and giggled a little too, shoulders shaking a bit.

"Anyways," I dragged out, uncontrollably smiling, "the reason I told you is because he wants a glass of lemonade."

"Jeremy Wilson, the Jeremy Wilson, the guy who tried to make an official e-sports team for the school, wants my lemonade?"

"Yep, you're basically famous now."

"Mmmm," she hummed, sliding her head to the right a bit, "Okay."

"Really? Wow, so I didn't have to even hop the fence. All I had to do was try to make an e-sports team."

"If," my stomach dropped a bit, "you admit you like him."

"Christ, what?" I sat up, taking off my sunglasses.

"Admit it!" She sat up, sliding her sunglasses down her nose and looking at me knowingly.

I let out a deep breath, and looked her in the eyes.

Fucking Grace, man.

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