sleepover, but for real this time

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I rolled over in my bed to look at the floor, where Jeremy laid sprawled out over one of my spare comforters, hugging a pillow and staring at his phone.

"Do you want to make a fort?" His eyes snapped to mine, a slow grin taking form.

"Of course," Jeremy answered, already getting up and grabbing the blankets he'd brought.

"Okay, let me go get another chair," I left the room as Jeremy started tucking corners into my bedframe and tying others around my desk chair.

"Mom," I called, coming into the kitchen, "I'm borrowing chairs."

"Whatever," she called from her bedroom, the soft sounds of her television filtered through her door.

I excitedly brought two up the stairs, walking in my room to find a decent half a fort built.

"I think if we stand the two chair here, and then here, we can make a pretty sick middle area here," Jeremy made big sweeping motions with his hands, an involuntary smile snuck on my face without me even realizing, until Jeremy turned to look at me, stopped for a moment, and just smiled back.

I felt my heart stop, and suddenly I turned away, placing the chairs where he told me to, and began fastening blankets to them.

"Anyways," Jeremy said, clearing his throat, "I suggest the comforter for the main roof, because..."

And just like that, we were back to normal. Gay crisis somewhat avoided.

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