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Summer had snuck in, making the days immeasurably hot and the nights bone chillingly cold. Currently I was sitting outside in the middle of my yard, sitting around the fire pit and staring at the fire. I was bored, incredibly bored, and smores had sounded good. Did it matter it was about one in the morning? No, time doesn't exist anymore, at this point I go to sleep at five in the morning and wake up at three.

"What're you up to?" A voice called from behind me, I turned to see Jeremy hopping the fence with a lawn chair under his arm.

"Making smores," I absentmindedly responded.

"Ah, mind if I make a couple?"

"No, not at all."

I handed the bag of marshmallows and some crackers to him without thinking.

"Oh, God, totally forgot, social distancing and whatever-"

"Nah, don't worry about it," he responded, smiling, "I don't think we have anything to be worried about."

I let out a sigh, watching his features warp in the firelight as he roasted his marshmallows. He looked vivid, like a warm dream.

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