it's over

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I pressed the blue submit button and stretched back in my chair, before slouching down and staring at the confirmation screen.

'You have turned in your AP Exam!'

"It's all over, then," I spoke into my headset, hearing Jeremy let out a long sigh. We'd taken all the same AP classes together, and it only made sense to call while we did the exams.

"I can't believe we didn't have the same prompt. How many prompts can they make about environmental science?" He complained, I could hear him loudly typing.

"Enough," I responded, scanning over the confirmation screen and closing it out. "I guess we' students now."

It was silent for a moment, before Jeremy spoke, "Yeah, I guess so."

Last week we'd filled out roommate forms, requesting to be each other's roommate. All that was left to do now was wait until the system processed and confirmed it.

"It doesn't feel like it should be over yet, you know?" I asked, thinking back to the last day of school, back when we thought it was just a two week break.

"It feels like we're still supposed to go back."

"Yeah," I agreed sadly, glancing over at my backpack, not opened since we were let out.

"Graduation is gonna be awkward as fuck," he snickered.

"Oh, don't remind me," I groaned.

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