Pschology and Medicine

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  I woke up in the bathroom cuddled up next to my little turtle boy against the wall. I sighed and rested my head on his, I started to remember what happened last nigh, a tear rolled down my cheek as I closed my eyes. My Nana's speech echoes in my head over and over, then determination filled my eyes. I knew what I had to do now!I picked John up off the floor (He weighs like 110 lbs, shhh its my story) I put him in my bed and cleared all the bs off my desk, I pulled out my laptop, some books and my note book. (I'm picking psychology and medicine as your major) I  studied psychology all day then medicine the rest of the evening, John still hadn't gotten up and slept all day. I went into the bathroom and put a patch over my eye and changed into my work uniform and grabbed my board and phone. "I went to work at like 5 I should be back 8, love you my lil' turtle" I leave the note on the nightstand, the Schuyler sisters where out so I just rode off to work, "Hey Freckles! Your just in time I have like 8 custom orders from 'our star customer'" Hercules handed me a piece of apparent with all the orders.
1. Short blue dress for child size 14
2. 4 pairs of blue jeans 2 in women
3. 3  8 in. Scarfs colors, pink, red, purple
I took the note and went to my work booth and worked 2x the speed of normal. Hercules was literally shook. I was proud of my self I even finished all my work early. As I was getting on my board and getting ready to go when, "Hey Freckles!" "Ya?" "This guy named Thomas Jefferson just came to town from France and he's throwing a party!" "And? Why would I care?" "He's super rich and invited everyone!" "Herc I" "Come on! Please!" He begged me, I really didn't want to Busch Herc was my best friend for like 3 years now, "Alright! Alright! Fine" I laughed, "Alright it's tomorrow!" "Wait! I have work!" "Take the day off! I unbind you from your chains, well I go to go, see ya" he got in his car and drove off. I road home putting in my ear buds listen to my musical playlist. When I got back John already left and the girls where back, "Hey Peggy..." I walked into her room and stood in the doorway, "..." "I'm really really sorry about yesterday. I was just-just.., dealings with things, I'm sorry" she came up and hugged me, "It's ok Y/n, it must have been bad if it made you snap like that" I hugged her back, "Yeah..." "I'm gonna go to sleep, sorry we can't talk more. It's been a long day..." "Alright sleep tight" I turned off her light and closed the door and went off to my room. I turned my laptop and logged back into my school account and emailed Mr.Washington.
"Dear Mr. Washington,
  I apologize for messaging you during my suspension but there is a madder I would like to address. I do apologize for the argument we had after I engaged in a fight with Mrs. Mannings. I was still enraged at the time and wasn't thinking correctly and said things that I never should have said. Sir, may I please return to classes next week? If so, I would also like to see if I could change my classes and change my major from performing arts to psychology and medicine is possible?
Your student,
Y/n L/n"
The next morning I checked my email inbox,
"Dear Mrs. L/n,
I accept your apology about the fight after the situation with Mrs. Mannings, I as informed by a student witnessed the fight and recorded a video of the fight. I will not inform you who this student is for privacy reasons but, I will inform you that the video showed that you where only defending your self. So yes, on Monday this week you may return to classes and you may change your major. When you read this message please talk to me about your classes.
Mr. Washington"
I talked to him about my classes and fixed everything up. When I was about to relax I remembered, Jeffersons party, I looked at the clock, "10:26 AM" I had enough time to get this dress done,
(Me) Freckled_Cinnamon-roll: Hey my guy! What time is Jeffersons party?
(Herc) Teddy_Bear_.: It's starts at like 9 and it's probably gonna go all night, oh and it's at (address) its not at the dorms cuz there's gonna be alcohol.
Freckles_Cinnamon-roll: ok thanks, mua
Teddy_Bear_.: mua
Well, never mind on that dress, I just wear something casual then.

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