The winter of 2004

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Eliza's Pov

Me and the girls where watching TV and drinking Starbucks, we even ordered Y/n's favorite! We where going to suprise her but when she got back ... She was explosive... Peggy made the first mistake of talking to her, all she got back was, "NOTHING! NOTHING AT ALL!" And stormed off into the bathroom. Angelica was going to get up, "Ange... This isn't our place... I'll call John" 

John's Pov

"Hey Lizzy! What's up!" "Hey John... Y/n's having a total melt down... and she is your girlfriend" "I'LL BE OVER IN A MINUTE!" I jumped off the couch and threw the controller on the ground and ran to Y/n's dorm. Eliza showed me in and led me to the bathroom Y/n was in. 

Your Pov 

I heard a knocking come from the door, "Eliza go away!" "Freckles..." a soft mellow voice voice replied, it was John. I got up and unlocked the door, he opened it and locked it behind him and sat against the wall next to me. "Y/n... What on earth happend..?" He put and hand on my cheek. Their was glimmer in his eye reflecting tears, "Nothing... I just got in a fight..." "It must not have been 'just a fight'. I know you Y/n... You wouldn't cry over just a fight..." I couldn't hold back tears anymore and they just flooded out. John took me into a warm hug an calmed me down. One he did he just simply asked, "What happend?" I had to tell him... I'd rather he find out the story from me then from anyone else.

"Martha, Martha Mannings and I got into a fight and I got suspended..." I swallowed back tears trying to get it to come out as clear as possible, "Baby... It's ok.., you'll be back in a month at tops..." "But John you don't understand!-" "Then tell me..." His soft voice was impossible to say no to.., I had to tell him...

The winter of 2004, I was only 6 years old at the time...

Mommy and Daddy where fighting in the other room, "WE CAN'T JUST ABANDONE OUR DAUGHTER JIM!" "WE HAVE TO! WE BARELY HAVE THE MONEY TO FEED ONE MOUTH LET ALONE THREE!" "WELL WHO WOULD WE GIVE HER TO THEN?!" "YOUR GRANDMOTHER!" "SHES IN HER 80'S JIM!" "IF WE DON'T WE"LL ALL STARVE! DO YOU WANT THAT CAROL?! DO YOU WANT OUR DAUGHTER TO STARVE?!" I heard mommy cry and the she called nana but I couldn't hear her... I clossed my eyes and went to sleep.

"Darling... Wake up!" Daddy shock me awake, "Your going to nana's house today!" I smiled and hugged Daddy, I loved going to see Nana. Daddy helped me pack all my stuff, a lot lot lot more then normal this time. We packed all my toys and clothes this time. After we finished we walked to the bus stop, it was really cold and and dark today. Daddy gave me his jacket, "Daddy? Won't you get cold in the snow?" "I have super dad powers! You know that sweet heart!" Daddy's lying... Daddy always lies... Daddy says he's not tired, but he falls asleep at work.., Daddy says he's not cold but he shivers.., Daddy says he's not sad but I hear him and Mommy cry sometimes... Me and Daddy got on the bus allllll day until we got to Nana's house. But Daddy didn't stay... He cried and said goodbye and he left.., he'll be back next week, right? But he didn't ...

Mommy and Daddy weren't their when I turned 7...

Mommy and Daddy weren't their when I turned 8....

Mom and Dad weren't their when I turned 11

When I turned 15 I gave up... Dad wasn't coming back, he left me. I don't even remember what my parents looked like. Nana only had pictures of them in high school, that's it. It wasn't all bad, I still had Nana, food on my plate, a roof over my head, clothes on my back and, lots and lots of love and that's all I needed. But... Nana was turning 95 soon and I'm scared, I pray the Lord doesn't take her yet but still she says, "Sugar, I didn't get the chance to go to college I only have what your Pop pop left me... But you darling, you have all the opertunities in the world! In you baby, I see a million opertunities, I see a smart young lady who's going to go to King's College, I see a young lady who's name will be remeberd! For what? That's up to you" she would point at my chest every time she told me that and, she told me that every day of my life and when I wasn't with her on my birthday she would get one of her care takers to send it to me so I would have it forever. But the week before her 98th birthday she was gone... She caught a cold and her immune system was to week to protect her. 

I inhareted everything she had, everything she owned was written for me on her will. Family members I didn't even know I had where contacting me threw her phone asking where their share of the will was, telling me I was 'only a 16 year-old-girl with a almost a million dollars in my bank account. But I didn't care! I would've trayeded it all just to have her back. But I didn't keep mourning over her, I was going to live her dream! I sold the house and bought a little apartment in the city and studied everyday of my life, I got a good part time job, I was accepted into my Nana's dream college, Kings Collge and paid off my entire student loan.

Sorry this chapter when from 0-100 real fast, I just had the idea and I thought it was good and stayed up until almost 3 in the morning so now I have re-read all of this so if your reading this it turned out ok!

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