A Tailor's Apprentice

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  "OW MUTTER' F*CKER"you yelled, you cut your hand with scissors while you were cutting a pairs of pants, " (L/n)! Watch your mouth!" Herc shouted from the other room, "Sorry!" you licked the blood off your finger and grabbed a bandaid. You had been working at this tailor shop for about 2 years now. You were good at it but you kept cutting and pricking yourself with needles and scissors, while working their you met one of your best friends, Hercules Muligan or Herc. You finished up the pair of pants you where making, folded it up, put it with the rest of the clothes, grabbed your backpack and your skateboard and skated off. As you did you put your earbuds in and put on your favorite album and headed towards your college. You jumped off the board and headed towards the dorms when your phones started to ring. "Hey wassup!" You said into the phone, (Herc is in bold) "Hey, me and a couple of my friends are going to the bar tonight and I want you to meet them" "Ya sure, what time?" "Like 9:30, can you make it?" "Ya sure see you their, ciao" "alright cya their" he said hanging up. You didn't have to ask where because their was only one in your town.  You walked into your dorm and sat down On the couch  and sat down next to your roomie Peggy, "Hey freckles!" She said said giving you a hug, "Hey Peggs" you rapped your other arm around her embracing her. You had gotten the nickname freckles was because, well, you had freckles! You where a short girl with (h/l) (h/c) and (e/c) you normally wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and hoodie. "I'm gonna go take a nap" "me too, have fun" she chuckled and you both went to your room which you shared. Peggy knocked out almost immediately while you looked through Pinterest for a while and set and alarm for 9 and fell asleep. You woke up to a loud alarm and shot up turning it off really fast so you didn't wake her up, you checked but she was still snoring and had her face mask on. Since she had a mask you changed in the same room and put on a pair of camo jeans, a black hoodie, a pair of checkered vans and a nightmare before Christmas beanie. You grabbed your hand bag and put your phone, wallet and a price of paper that said "MAKE SURE  YOU HAVE YOUR PHONE AND WALLET! CALL SOMEONE TO TAKE YOU HOME!".  You checked the the time 9:15, you called Herc, "Yo when you gonna get here?" "About ten minutes, I'll be early" "aight see ya there" "cya" you hung up and walked to the near by bar. When you got their only Herc was their sitting at the cowner and didn't look like had anything to drink yet, it was pretty early to so their wasn't to many people their anyway. "(Y/N)! What's up!" He said getting up giving you a bear hug, (He's almost a foot taller then you) "Nothin much sense I left" you laughed sitting down next to him, you talked for about 5 minutes when a couple dudes walked in, one had long enough to hair to put an a low pony tail and wore a green hoodie and jeans and around the same height as you, the second one was about as tall Herc had darker skin and just had super French vibe, the last one was about 4 inches taller then you and had freckles and his hair was super curly. "JOHN ALEX LAFF!" He said jumping out of his chair and going over to them "This is (Y/n), we work together. (Y/n), this is Alex, Lafayette and John"  you got out of your seat and shook their hands, "Hi nice to meet you!" "Nice to meet you to" John said shaking your hand, "Bounjeor, I'm Marquis de Lafayette it's a pleasure to meet you!" He said shaking your hand, "Alex nice to meet you" he shook you hand as well, "Hey! You and John both have freckles!" Herc said grabbing you both you both chuckled awkwardly, "Well let's drink!" He shouted as everyone sat down.

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