Chapter 16 - The growing of trees

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Two sleek black sleds rocketed over the coastal ridge, racing hard against the wind. The AGPs were fast. Indy might be scared of heights but not speed. He lived for that. He watched Jon bank, dive, roll, and spin high above. However, Indy's flight path kept him just less than ten feet off the ground. 

He could hear Jon's laughter filling his ears as his friend buzzed around above. "Dude, I can hear you laughing. These helmets have hands free microphones," Indy said into his own microphone. 

The laughter abruptly stopped. "Really? Do you think anyone else can hear us?" Jon asked quietly. 

"Probably. If not I'm sure they are recording it," Indy said as he watched the ground fly by below him. 

"Anyone out there copy this?" Jon's voice asked over airwaves. 

A stern voice spoke in their ears in response. "Roger that little pigs 1 and 2. This is big bad wolf on channel 1. We got eyes and ears on you two." 

"Copy that wolf," Jon said realizing his fun was being monitored. 

"Little pigs please feel free to vocalize any data. This is a test after all." The voice called big bad wolf ordered. 

"Ok we get the message. Little pig 1, out," Jon said as he assumed the role of little pig 1. 

"Ok Indy, Let's see what these babies can do," Jon shouted. 

Indy agreed and stretched out fully reaching out with fingers and toes. Instantly the sled raced forward rising slightly. He tried some easy turns and found the control exact and precise. 

A boulder came out of nowhere. Well at least at that speed it appeared to. The sled instantly recalibrated and raised Indy's sled higher by a few inches as he passed over the boulder. 

"Incredible," he thought. 

The next few minutes flew by with Indy and Jon buzzing around the grounds, taking runs at obstacles just to see how the sleds reacted. Indy was still low on the ground weaving and turning in long sweeping circles. He raced toward a stand of tall trees. They came at him fast and the sled bobbed, weaved, and twisted through them without touching a single branch. 

"I wish my bike could do that," Indy said, slowing down to look back at the stand of trees. He felt a hollow knock on his helmet. 

"Tag. Your it," Jon's laughter filled his ears again. 

Indy turned to look up. He saw Jon hovering just above him... Upside down! 

The other sled lifted and turned away, racing back towards the hydro plant and castle. 

"Come down here if you want a real game little pig 1." Indy cursed over the microphone. 

More laughter filled his ears as the other sled came around aiming right at him. The two sleds raced towards each other before veering away automatically. 

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