Fight or flight.

917 31 63

Murmuring voices rouse you from the darkness. Wincing, you lift your head, jaw throbbing so much you can barely move it. Dried blood coats the inside of your mouth causing a wracking cough to shudder through your body. Each cough sends bolts of agony into your skull and you almost pass out again. You would kill for a glass of water to wash the metallic taste out of your mouth, and to ease your dry throat from thirst. Head pounding, you lean back in the creaky chair.

Opening your eyes you see that it's night. Stars twinkle from the windows, and the warehouse is an empty pitch black . The voices stop talking, whispers disappearing with the wind. You shiver from how cold it is like ice has settled into your veins.

Your arms and legs are stiff and sore, and you can feel the dried blood on your skin, like mud cracking over the top. Your stomach aches with hunger and you feel weaker than ever before. Maybe they'll starve me to death after all.

The darkness presses all around, ominous and threatening. You can't see in front of you but you can feel someone watching you. You don't know if it's Agent Wilson, Mila or Noel.

Noel, the traitorous bastard.

" Why do we have to be quiet? We've been here all day," Noel hisses, his voice echoing from the darkness.

" Shhh!" Mila whispers.

Your chuckle stops short from the pain in your jaw, " I can hear you."

A bright light beams from the darkness in front of you, two more follow suit from torches placed on a low lying table. Agent Wilson, Mila and Noel come into focus, all three of them sitting on a rug with cushions and blankets. Three sleeping bags lie on the edge of the rug. The table has bottles of water and cartons of Chinese food, you catch a whiff and your stomach wails with hunger.

" You guys moving in?" You snark.

" While you were having a nap Noel got us a few things so we could get comfortable... Killing you is slow business after all," Agent Wilson says, spearing a piece of chicken on his fork, chewing loudly.

" Why did we have to turn out the lights and be quiet?" Noel asks, taking a sip of water.

" Because- you dimwit- she nearly over powered Mila, and surprise is the best tactic against any foe. The fact that we were hidden would've given us a better advantage," Agent Wilson sneers.

" She's in a lot of pain, and in no condition to fight," Mila confirms, her eyes narrowing and fingers going to her temple.

You close your eyes and sigh, wishing you were anywhere but here. Leaning forward you lock eyes with Noel, glaring at him. He stares at you for a moment, then looks down at his fried rice, pushing it around in its container. " Why?" your voice cracks.

Noel stiffens, and the others pause. Mila smirks and Agent Wilson eyes Noel like a snake that's found a mouse. Noel looks at him, then looks at the table, throat working.

" Go on, tell her," Wilson waves his fork.

" It's okay... I won't," fear flits across his face.

" I said tell her," Wilson snarls. Noel gulps and puts down his food.

" O-okay," he stammers, standing up and wiping his hands on his jeans. He walks over to you and the other two watch him, vipers waiting to strike. Noel looks back at them over his shoulder, then continues to where you are.

He crouches in front of you, and you catch a whiff of the sweet and spicy aroma of Kung Pao chicken, your stomach growls loudly in the silence.

" I didn't want to do this you know," tears well in his eyes. You stare at him, anger flaring inside you at the obviously fake tears.

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