Missing Pieces.

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" What the hell?" Taking a step forward, dirt and stones crunch under foot. You hear wet, choking sounds from the car, and you run forward, skidding on your knees, gravel scraping them. Just before you reach the window, time slows down.

Your head whips around and you see Tom, skidding to a halt in slow motion. A spot to your right crackles with red energy, sparking and charging the air, until a doorway into another world opens.

You blink, and you're a child again in the car, pain ripping through your stomach, the tree protruding from your belly.

You blink, and you're the current version of you , on your knees outside the car, gravel rash stinging your knees.

You blink again, and this time you're small, a child. You're on a sunny lawn playing with a young boy with brown hair and chocolate eyes. Tom. He's your best friend, your families live next door to each other and both your parents are close.

You've been able to hear voices and sense other beings from different universes for a while now. It's an ability you inherited from your mother. You can control minds and read them. You also have telekinesis, and the ability to harness chaos magic, a force so powerful it can construct and weave the very fabric of existence. It is the scarlet energy charging through your body. Mostly you can sense other versions of yourself from other universes, at different points in time. Your mother always told you to never interfere. No matter what you do, you mustn't try to contact the other versions of yourself Y/N. You'd innocently asked her why you couldn't be friends with another version of yourself, thinking it'd be like having a twin sister. Because you could create an irreversible bridge from our world to theirs Y/N. When you're older you'll understand, you can't meddle with these things, no matter how much you want to. Your mother gripped your shoulders hard and stared you right in the eye with a steely glint.

Tom's showing you a new truck his father bought him, and that's when you feel it. The terror, clawing through your chest. Your eyes close and you see it all as you jump into her body. The car flipping, the tree piercing her stomach, the pain of it rips you out of the vision and you're gasping. I have to save her!

Without a second thought you call upon the chaos magic and it comes, charging through your body, a part of you since birth. You know exactly where this other version of you is, you know exactly which universe. Honing in on her pain, you feel it in your gut and you know you need to save this version of yourself. The power flows through you, charging as it rips a door into this other universe, and you see it. The car on it's roof, the girl that could be your twin sister, dangling upside down, a tree through her stomach. Tom calls your name, but you step through, sweat trickles down your cheek from the exertion of keeping the rip open. With a wave of your hand the tree disintegrates into dust, with another wave of your hand you pull the girl from the car wreck, scarlet energy cocooning her body. Another flick and the tree materializes back in the same spot you pulled the girl from.  Glass crunches under foot as you lay her limp body outside of the car, she's unconscious but you can still feel the tiny flutter of her heart. You will the magic to heal her, to fix her, and it does. The energy snakes around her body until it's aglow, bathed in red light. Her dress has a gigantic rip where her stomach is, the lower half drenched in blood. The smell makes your stomach churn. The energy heals her, and you feel the pain leaving her body, her heart beats stronger with each pulse. The energy makes the blood disintegrate, it disappears from her dress, and fixes the tear over her stomach.

Faintly you here Tom crying, begging for you to come back. Your mommy said you shouldn't be there! Please come back Y/N, you can play with my truck! Ignoring him, you kneel down in front of her, curiosity getting the better of you. She looks exactly like you. She has the same hair, same face, same skin color. She is you, and you are her. She'll wake any minute now and you go to brush a lock of hair off her face. But just as you do, you feel sticky web close over your arm, restraining you. Looking up you shoot Tom a glare. His tear streaked face makes you soften, though. He's your best friend and he's only looking out for you. He's holding onto the web, that's connected to your arm, strong as steel. I'll pull you back, he threatens. Sighing, you stand up. Figuring you should go back to your universe, before your mom finds out. Your foot gently brushes the girls leg and as it does, that's when you realize you made a big mistake going to another universe.

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