A new theory.

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Oh no, not again.

You're back in the car accident from your childhood. The world tumbles, glass shatters, cutting your face. The car collides with the tree, cracking a shard and it pierces your stomach.

Unending pain rips through you. Blood streams from your stomach, pouring over your face, you cough from the metallic taste. You're upside down, arms dangling above your head. A heaviness settles over you, dragging you into darkness. Your eyes flutter, about to close, but out of the corner of your eye something catches your attention. Through the broken window you see something you can't explain.

Trees line your vision, except for one spot where a doorway to another world lies. Inside this doorway there are two kids your age sitting on a lawn, in front of a grand house. There's a young boy, with pale skin, chocolate eyes and caramel hair, a toy truck in his hand. His mouth gapes open and he's staring at you. The other child is a girl, a mirror image of you. She has your hair, your skin color- your face.

Her hands spark, as scarlet mist snakes up her arms. Her arms are spread wide open, shaking as they try to hold open the portal. She takes a step forward, her glowing red eyes bore into yours...

Gasping awake, you bolt upright. With a thundering heart, your eyes dart around your room, expecting to see broken glass, trees, and a girl that looked exactly like you with scarlet energy coursing over her hands.

It was just a dream.

 Realizing you're safe in bed, your shoulders relax in relief. You lean back against your headboard with a sigh, the sun streaming through your windows.

Your phone rings, and you look at it. Dread settling into your stomach.

Please, don't be Tom.

Checking the caller ID, your heart sinks.

" Hi, Tom."

"Hi," he sounds breathless, like he's gone for a run.

"I think I know why you're calling."

"So you've had it too. The dream."

" Yeah."

"We were in the car, again."

You sigh, " I know."

" But, those two kids... the boy... He looked like me, when I was a child."

Your stomach twists, " What? Are you serious?"

" Yeah."

"The girl with the energy over her hands- she looked like me as a kid."

" No way..." Tom breathes.

" Yeah."

"What the f-"

" I don't know, but... I'm officially freaking out," tears prick your eyes, and your head spins, " I feel like I'm going crazy." Voice wavering, your shaky hand almost drops the phone.

" You're not crazy ok... We're both having these dreams... We just have to figure out what they mean, and why we're having them. Okay?"

Your chest heaves with each burning breath. Trying to slow it down, you take a deep inhale through your nose. Don't freak out, don't freak out! DON'T FREAK OUT!

" Mmhm."

" Y/N are you ok? Do you need me to come over?" Tom asks in a soft voice.

You gulp, trying to get your bearings. Tom come over? Wow, if only... The thought of him coming over to comfort you, is enough of a distraction. Taking another shaky breath, your heart rate slows enough for you to say, " Thanks, Tom. That's so nice of you to offer, and as much as I'd like that, I'll be ok. I was just having a moment... Sorry."

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