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Throbbing pain rips you out of the darkness, " Ah!" you hiss, lifting your head. Eyes fluttering, you shut them again, wincing. Why does... Everything hurt? Your arm and leg pounds, and there's a trail of dried blood on your arm. What the hell? It feels like a bus collided with your head and neck, hissing in pain you lean back sitting in an upright position. Your fingertips are numb from the cold, and you go to wrap your arms around yourself, but your arms stay where they are. Eyes widening in alarm, you realize your arms and legs are bound to the chair you're sitting on. Your heart races as you frantically tug at your restraints. Shit!

Your chest heaves as you look around. You're in an abandoned warehouse, large concrete pillars dot the floor, broken windows howl as an icy wind pushes trash along the floor, graffiti decorates the dilapidated walls. Why am I here? Then it all comes rushing back to you.

Agent Wilson's behind this, helped by the Russian lady. Her powers dampened yours, and he was able to knock you out. Your jaw clenches as fury flares inside you. Where am I? Why are they doing this? Filtered sunlight streams in through the windows and you vaguely wonder how long you've been here and what the time is. There's tree's outside and you hope that this place isn't somewhere remote.

Closing your eyes you will the chaos magic to come forth, but there's nothing, only a pit of emptiness. Your heart races and your mouth runs dry. Why can't I call the magic? You tug again at your restraints, mind racing on how to escape. Maybe if I rock the chair hard enough I could break it? It'll hurt when I fall but there's no choice.

A chuckle echoes from the shadows, and the click of heels echoes off the concrete, " I wouldn't even bother trying with that, Y/N," sneers the blond lady, she steps out crossing her arms in front of her. She's wearing a pink silk dress and a ridiculous fur coat. Your eyes narrow in rage.

" What the fuck? Let me go!" You buck in your chair, rocking backwards and forwards, straining against the cable ties cutting into your wrists and ankles.

" Now, now there's no need to yell... It's not like anyone would hear you anyway." You stiffen at the voice from behind you, cold, like ice slithering down the back of your neck. Agent Wilson.

" You! Why are you doing this? Let me go! Help! Anybody! Please!" You scream.

He turns around in front of you, hands going behind him, he's no longer in his polished suit but in dark jeans and a navy blue t-shirt. Agent Wilson and the blond lady smirk.

" You know Mila, I'm surprised by how stupid she is. She should know why she's here, considering it's the same reason the last time I tried to kill her," Agent Wilson chuckles turning to the blond lady. Mila.

Teeth gritting in concentration, you struggle to call the chaos magic again, a bead of sweat drips down your temple. You scream in frustration, when it doesn't come. Mila puts a hand to her temple, she stumbles, eyes narrowing in concentration at you.

" Are you good?" Wilson asks her.

" Yes," she grits out through her teeth.

He eyes you with wariness, and shoots Mila a look filled with uncertainty, " Are you sure? Because this won't work if we can't restrain her."

" I have it under control," She hisses. You glare at her, wishing that you could call the chaos magic and rip these two to shreds.

" Good." He steps forward, " So have you figured out why you're here yet?"

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