Chapter one

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My eyes open slowly, my vision is blurry but the light that falls in through the window tells me that it's morning.

I rub my eyes and my vision slowly comes back to me, along with the memories of last night. I check my phone and see that it's 12:58. Typical Saturday for me. Sleep in late.

I turn to my left and see that the bed is empty. Well, at least he was nice enough to make that half of the bed before he left.

What happened last night? Oh. Well, last night was one of the best parties of the year. Hosted by none other than Miranda Foster, our school's rich girl that all the guys wanted to sleep with. Most of the girls call her slutty and stuck up, but, she isn't. She's actually one of the most down to earth people I have ever met.

Back to what happened. Like every high school party,there was alcohol. Now, I don't drink a lot but, last night I did.

Jake Taylor, our high school's bad boy , was so drunk that he was standing on the coffee table singing a song from the sound of music.

Well, long story short, Jake and I ended up dancing with each other. Then talking to each other , then he told me that he could make one minute noodles in less than a minute, and me being so drunk that I was impressed, asked him to show me. We ended up in my apartment and then in my room, and then... Well. You know what happened.

And that is it. That is how I end up alone in my half made bed today with not even a note from Jake.


I get out of my bed and make the other half and grab my phone and go into my kitchen area. I make myself some coffee and breakfast and sit at my little table scrolling through social media.

I find nothing interesting on YouTube so I check my instagram. The first thing I see is a picture of Jake. Weird. Miranda Foster put it up.
"The pure guy.... RIP Jake... You will be missed."

His buddies are probably playing some sort of prank on him.

I set my coffee down and read the comments on the picture, this needs both hands . Most of the comments were from some of Jake's friends and some other kids from my school.
"Never expected something like this to happen... Miss him"
"He lived life to the fullest"
"He was a good guy.... Didn't deserve to go that way"

The more comments I read the more I start to believe that Jake is dead. I scroll down and find a few more pictures of Jake and quotes about death , the comments all similar to the one's on Miranda's picture.

This can't be true, I was just with him last night.

I call up my best friend Raya to be sure. Raya moved here from India and she lives a couple blocks away from me. We both go to the same high school and hate the same people so we naturally became best friends.

After about half a minute she finally answers .




"Yeah!so um... I kinda need to ask you someth-"

"Did you hear?"

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