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Kuua and Kuishi sit before me, brows furrowed as they struggle to find the answer to this impossible game of charades. It's only the three of us, after Aina and Swala got in trouble for entering the elephant graveyard. I reckon they got a very grave telling-off from their respective parents when they got home. Mpenzi isn't with the brothers today - and we all fear it has something to do with that new male who always seems able to jump to the rescue of us all. It's suspicious, almost as if he's trying too hard to get us to like him. The female watching us is tan all over, except for a colourless muzzle. She is one of Mpenzi's friends, and, as with the rest of them, frustrated that she's lost her opportunity to mate this season, despite the fact she will be just as able next year, which is quickly drawing nearer. Kuua finally cracks my charade, and I tilt my head as his gaze lingers a little longer than normal on my muzzle. 


I slowly draw circles in the rock with my claws, occasionally pacing the royal sleeping area, only to lie down once again, flick my tail in boredom, and stand again. I've been grounded in here for the rest of today as a punishment, with Mpenzi watching over me. But for now, she's fallen asleep, head resting on her paws and her tail curled around herself. I think of how she must be feeling - Kovu told Askari that he should leave for the rest of the year, now only a week left in it until other cubs can be born. It is weird like this, as all of our friends are older than us, and we will know people younger than us, but no-one born in the year we were. I often wonder if Mpenzi will have cubs next year, and whether they will be with Askari, when he returns, or another male, more respected in the pride than an outlander raised by hyenas.  As if she knows that I was talking about her, her blue eyes flutter open, and she rubs them with her paws, then stretching. She sees me watching and smiles,

"Need anything?"

"A pathway out of this cave," I kick a stray rock on the floor, sending it flying towards the other side of the cave and hitting the wall before falling to the floor again. "And away from my brothers."

She laughs, "It will get easier, and in no time they will have their own mates anyways, along with all their friends."

"And me?"

"You will find a mate when you are ready, and marry who you wish to."

"Was it like this, being under granddad's rule?"

"It was a great and even rule but..." she trails off


"Just different."

I sigh, walk around the cavern again, and stand at the edge, looking out over at the other cubs, playing in the sun, smiling blissfully. I wonder how different things really were. 

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