Domestic Days

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After their talk about the weirdness of their current relationship, the two spent a few more days at Lukas' house doing nothing in particular. Cooking, cuddling, kissing, talking, relaxing, and sleeping were really the only things on the schedule. For once it didn't feel weird flirting and teasing and goofing around. There was an acknowledgement that hardship would lie ahead, but they were going through it together. It wasn't like they were pretending everything was just peachy. This time their perfect bubble was more based in reality.

It was nice to get closer to one another and learn each others habits as the days went by, but this perfect domestic life came to a close the moment Lukas received a letter in the mail labelled "confidential". Mathias was still asleep, tucked under the blankets of Lukas' bed as Lukas prepared their morning coffee. Lukas always dreaded the mail sliding through the door slot. He knew what was coming, he just didn't know when. A part of him just wanted to flee the country with Mathias, never looking back in hopes that they would never have to deal with the inevitable trial against the pure evil that was his former boss' creation.

Holding the envelope in his hands, Lukas admired how indiscreetly the bright red confidential label was written. His nosy doorman was probably elated to have a new conversation topic to bring up with him. Lukas slipped his thumbnail under the fold of paper on the upper righthand corner of the envelope, ripping it open to reveal the folded up paper that he had been dreading to receive. Slipping it out of its indiscreet envelope, Lukas lifted the paper and unfolded it, letting out a slight groan. It was a subpoena.

Skimming the paper quickly, Lukas furrowed his brow. The trial was starting the next week. This subpoena was definitely a terrible wrench in his plans to live out all his days pretending the world didn't exist and living with Mathias in his apartment without a care in the world. "Delusion can only last so long" Lukas muttered under his breath, slightly upset that hiding from the world would no longer be possible. He knew it was coming, he just didn't want to face it.

Hearing Mathias shuffle around in bed, Lukas slipped the subpoena into one of his kitchen drawers. He didn't want the Dane to see it. He had a selfish desire to keep it to himself in order to keep the peace. Mathias was planning to go back to his apartment later that day anyway. He would find out eventually. A few more hours of domestic bliss wouldn't hurt anyone.

Lukas continued to prepare their cups of coffee as if he hadn't yet gotten his daily mail. Taking the jar of sugar out of the cupboard above his head, Lukas scooped out an unhealthily large spoonful and dumped it into Mathias' mug. He then poured oat milk into the Dane's mug, looking behind his back to make sure he had not yet woken up. The Norwegian didn't have whole milk in his house, so he had told Mathias that his cup of coffee tasted a bit weird because the beans were prepared in a special way. In reality Lukas didn't want to deal with the Dane's inevitable dramatic reaction to being fed non-dairy milk.

Two cups of coffee in hand, Lukas strode over to his bedroom before setting them down on his bedside table. Opening the blinds, Lukas admired the sunlight hitting Mathias' golden hair. The Dane scrunched his nose, much to the delight of Lukas, who let a soft smile creep across his lips. Mathias grumpily pulled the sheets above his head as Lukas sat back down on the bed, lifting his mug to his lips as he looked over at the lump covered by his stark white duvet.

As he felt the warmth of the sun hit his skin through the blinds, Lukas began to zone out. He hadn't yet reflected on the past couple of days. It was nice. For once he wasn't overthinking things. Obsessive thoughts weren't clouding his brain. It was almost as if having a human golden retriever as a roommate was good for the soul.

Also, Having someone in his bed the past few nights had been something different. Lukas had never been in a serious relationship, so there was rarely a time he needed to share his space. Mathias occupying space in his apartment for so long was weird at first, but he adjusted to it quickly. It's almost as if the cold apartment was warming up as it filled with life. Lukas had always tried his best to add some character to his apartment with all the plants, but nothing could compare to the liveliness and chaotic energy that Mathias brought to the home.

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