A Statement

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Lukas arrived at the lab just in time for the assistant to begin writing down measurements and numbers for the experiment. Lukas hadn't been told what exactly the specific experiment was for the day, so he sat and watched and did as he was told until the work day was finally over. 

After being released from his duties, Lukas decided to go back home before going to the police. His first attempt at contacting the police was a failure, so he knew this time he needed to sneak around. Preferably with a disguise. Although embarrassing if caught, Lukas knew disguising himself was the only way to get to the police station without being intercepted by a coworker. Luckily, his downstairs neighbor Feliks had a side-job as a drag queen, and had drunkenly offered Lukas an opportunity to dress up whenever he wanted. Lukas had very adamantly rejected the offer, but now he desperately needed a disguise. Feliks was his only option. 

After dropping his stuff off in his apartment, Lukas went downstairs and knocked on Feliks' door. Lukas awkwardly hovered in the hallway as he heard shuffling come from within the apartment. "Be right there!" he called out. A few seconds later, the door flung open to reveal Feliks, who was loosening his tie. He was still wearing his work attire. Lukas suddenly remembered that Feliks worked for an IT company. His day job and night jobs could not be any more different. 

"Lukas! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Feliks asked.

"I have a bit of a weird request" Lukas began. 

"Ooo- I already love this" Feliks cooed, "come on in."

Lukas followed Feliks into his living room, where there were dozens of copies of French and Italian vogue strewn across the coffee table. He seemed to be researching something. There were also a few sketchbooks sitting open on the couch. Feliks quickly grabbed the notebooks and placed them on the table with the magazines. The two sat as Feliks excitedly waited for Lukas to tell him what was going on. Feliks' eyes were pracically twinkling in excitement. 

"I need you to disguise me" Lukas spoke, cringing slightly as Feliks beamed. 

"Disguise as in- put you in drag?" Feliks asked, his voice filled with excitement. 

"Uh- sort of" Lukas replied, eliciting an enthusiastic screech from the polish man. 

"I thought you'd never ask!" Feliks exclaimed, "Why do you suddenly need a disguise?"

"It's an extremely long story with legal implications. Long story short is that I need to get to the police station without being seen, but I'm pretty sure I'm being watched at all times. There is probably someone watching this building as we speak" Lukas replied seriously. Luckily, Feliks wasn't the type to ask questions when he knew something serious was going on. 

"You came to the right queen" Feliks stated, grabbing Lukas' wrist as he dragged him into his bedroom. Lukas watched on as Feliks opened his closet to reveal a myriad of clothing and wigs. "What are we going for?"

"Totally unrecognizable" Lukas replied. Feliks nodded and proceeded to flutter back and forth in his closet as he decided what he was going to do. After a few minutes of deliberation, Feliks handed Lukas a pile of clothing to put on. "We're going for a more pedestrian look. You don't want to stand out too much."

Lukas nodded and proceeded to figure out what he was wearing. He was handed a navy shift dress, which he slipped over his slim frame with ease. "That dress is perfect for you, as it hides the fact that you don't have wide hips" Feliks stated. Lukas wasn't sure whether or not Feliks was throwing shade. 

Lukas then struggled to put on the tights he was given to hide the fact that his legs weren't shaved. After what seemed like hours of simply trying to pull the tights up, Lukas slipped his feet into a pair of tall brown boots, which hit right below his knees. Feliks excitedly clapped before handing him a trench coat to hide his shoulders. 

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