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Lukas woke up to the sunrise beaming through the large glass windows in his living room. As he open his eyes to the tranquil sight of his sun-washed apartment, he felt calm. Lukas loved the first few moments of consciousness each day. The first couple seconds or so when you can't recall what happened the day before, what was on your mind, and what was to come later. 

He took a deep breath and stretched his arms before checking the clock on his wall. It was 7:30, and Oslo was just waking up. It only took him a minute or so before he remembered the sleeping, drugged-up Dane passed out on his bed. The tranquility of the first few moments of morning had now ceased to exist. 

Lukas sighed as he headed into his kitchen and then down the hallway into his bedroom, where the man was still sleeping in the same position as he had been when he had first laid down. Lukas approached the bed, looking at Mathias' sleeping face. His eyes were moving rapidly under his lids, and he seemed to be breathing heavily. 

Not knowing what waking him up could entail, Lukas decided to leave him be. He had read up on the experiment, and knew it was tracking his REM cycle, so Lukas figured waking him up would probably be nightmarish and possibly harmful to the Dane's health. 

Lukas had to be at work soon, but he also didn't want to leave Mathias alone. The only problem was that calling in sick might look suspicious. Not only had Lukas notified the chief that he knew there was something on the 16th floor, he had also left his bike at the office when he and Mathias fled in the night. He also feared Mathias might contact the police, which would put them both in danger. 

Deciding on leaving Mathias alone in the apartment, Lukas headed into his closet and quickly got changed. Luckily, he had a spare lab coat. After getting changed, Lukas walked back over to Mathias. Lifting his wrist, Lukas checked his pulse. It was a bit too fast for someone in deep sleep. Grabbing a notebook from his bedside table, Lukas wrote down his heart rate and his overall condition. He figured it would be useful if Mathias woke up and something was wrong. Charting his progress definitely wouldn't hurt. 

Standing back, Lukas observed the state of his room. He couldn't believe the cute man from the coffee shop was sleeping on his bed, drugged up out of his mind. He never imagined the first time having the man in his room would go like this. In his mind, it was a lot less physically and mentally scarring. His faced turn pink just thinking about it. 

Pushing the thoughts out of his head, Lukas strode back into the kitchen and made himself a cup of coffee. He often substituted coffee for breakfast, much to the chagrin of his mother, who believed coffee was the reason he was as thin as a piece of paper. Lukas disagreed. Coffee was one of the things that motivated him to get out of bed in the morning. 

Being bike-less, Lukas knew it would take him a bit longer to get to the lab. Saying a final goodbye to the unconscious man laying in his bed, Lukas headed out, thoughts running through his head a mile a minute. Would the chief notice his bike had been there all night? Would the lab be functioning as normal? Or would there be a manhunt going on? Had he left any DNA?

As soon as he arrived at work, he calmed down. He didn't want to seem suspicious. He was going to act as cooperative as possible if asked any questions in order to avoid being interrogated. 

After swiping his key card at the door, he calmly walked inside and greeted the receptionist with a smile. By her face, Lukas could tell there was something going on. 

"Lukas, Chief is holding an emergency meeting in the conference room. If you could just leave your cell phone here, that'd be great" she said, looking slightly nervous as he lifted a bucket filled with other cell phones. 

"Of course" Lukas replied cheerfully, trying not to sound suspcious as he dropped his phone in the bucket. As he turned towards the conference room, he gulped. He had left a lot of evidence behind, although circumstantial. If anyone was going to be blamed, it would be Lukas. 

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