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The chief's response to the wrench was ecastatic. He immediately asked Lukas to send it to get tested for latent prints. Lukas then led him to the blood, and then the vent. The man practically kissed him. Lukas knew he was in the clear.

"I'm going to have someone check the vents for prints. In the meantime, you can get back to your work. You've helped us more in one hour than the rest of those idiots have combined. Thank you" the chief spoke, congratulating Lukas with a handshake. Lukas shook his hand and smiled.

"I know this might be a lot to ask, but is there any way I could leave a little early today? My little brother is in town from Iceland and I left him at my apartment alone. I'm excited to show him around" Lukas lied.

"Of course! Actually- you can leave right now! Anything for my best detective!" the chief replied enthusiastically, giving Lukas a pat on the back.

"Thank you- I'll come in early tomorrow to get some more work done" Lukas responded.

"No worries! Now get out of here!" the chief sang, smiling as Lukas awkwardly shuffled out of the room. He had never seen another human smile so much in his life. It was like he had just swallowed an entire bag of MDMA.

Lukas practically ran out of the building, grabbing his bike and hopping on it in a desperate attempt to get back home. He had only been at work for a few hours, so he hoped Mathias hadn't risen yet. He had no idea how Mathias would be acting when he woke up. Last time he woke up he threatened to kill Lukas. Then again, the last time Mathias woke up he was tied down to a table in the middle of a laboratory.

When he arrived, Lukas locked his bike to the rack in front of his building and walked into the lobby. "Mr. Bondevik. You didn't come home last night. I'm getting worried about you!" his doorman exclaimed as he entered. Lukas tried not to roll his eyes. The doorman didn't actually care- he just loved to hear about the residents and their drama.

"My girlfriend invited me over" Lukas replied. Every time he came home late the doorman asked him what he was doing, so Lukas had constructed a fake girlfriend from France who attended the University of Oslo. According to Lukas, the two adored Bollywood films and taking weekend trips to Paris. In reality, the "weekend trips to Paris" were just weekends Lukas spent pent up in his bedroom, taking a break from human contact.

"Getting very serious aren't we!" the doorman exclaimed as Lukas headed into the elevator.

"I might just propose!" Lukas exclaimed with a smile as the elevator door closed, he heard the doorman audibly gasp from the lobby as the elevator moved upwards. He knew his little game was cruel, but he seriously didn't appreciate the doorman's invasive questions when he first moved in. Now it was too late to stop.

Lukas reached his floor and rushed to his door, sticking his key in the lock, hoping to find a sleeping Mathias. Opening the door, he nearly let out a gasp. Mathias was standing in his kitchen, shirt off, apron on, cooking himself breakfast.

As Lukas closed the door, Mathias looked over. "Lukas! Good morning!" he called out, smiling as he moved a spatula around in the pan he was using. Lukas immediately hung his keys up and strode over to the man, reaching up to his neck. Mathias jerked back in surprise.

"Hey! Your hands are cold! What are you doing?" Mathias shouted, continuing to cook what seemed to be scrambled eggs.

"I'm checking your pulse, relax" Lukas replied as he took two of his fingers and reached right under Mathias's jaw. He seemed fine. Not too fast, not too slow. He rushed into his bedroom and wrote down his heart rate.

"What, are you my doctor now?" Mathias asked as he shut the stove off and scraped the sloppy scrambled eggs onto a plate.

"No, but it looks like I need to be your chef. Have you ever cooked anything in your entire life?" Lukas asked, letting out a chuckle as he eyed the rubbery eggs and the poorly chopped tomatoes on top of a now-soggy piece of barely toasted toast. Mathias chuckled.

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