' Don't speak to strangers ' chapter 7

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----------------------------------- Mega boring chapter, just a filler! Oh and these a surprise for you all, just wait till the end ;) Enjoy! --------------------------I felt a light shake wake me up, my head was still throbbing after crying. 

It had felt like hours had gone past, I had no idea when I'd drifted off to sleep. 

'Jess?' I heard a voice ask, 'Jess?' there it was again. 

I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes there was a figure kneeling close to me. 

My eyes were clear and I saw Harry. 

'Harry' I whispered, holding in a million tears. He pulled me close to his body and I rested my head on his chest. 

' What happened? ' I asked, 

' I got your text, and called the  police, by the time I got here they had arrested him. ' He said, stroking my hair. 

Forget it, I thought. I just let the tears stream out. 

We sat there for about 5 minutes when Hazza stood up, he gave me his hand and helped me up.  

We walked to the car and Harry opened the door for me, I buckled  in as Harry started the car. 

' The police will need a statement babe, should we go their first? ' I nodded. 

We hoped back into the car, the police statement had gone surprisingly well. 

There was a silence as we drove back to my house. 

'Can you stay the night? ' I asked 

Harry nodded, not taking his eyes off the road. ' I'm going back home tomorrow, you should come? ' He asked 

' I'd like that' I said smiling, I turned the radio on. 

'Dom,Dom,Dom,Dom,Dom,Dom,Dom,Dom you're insecure' it sang 

' don't know what for ' Harry sang along. 

I laughed ' everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you! ' I sang, pointing towards Hazza. 

We sang the whole song, all the way home. 

Harry parked the car and he locked it after we got out,  we walked hand in hand up the stairs to my house. 

I was just about to knock when the door opened and I felt a pair of arms fling around me. 

' Jessica! ' They said, realizing the hug and looking me up and down. 

' Hey Gemma! ' I said laughing, I haven't seen Gemma for over 4 months. 

Her long blond hair was straighted and she was wearing mini shorts with a half top.  

' As soon as I heard what happened, I came! Me and Mitch made up! And I've decided to stay for a while! If that's okay with you of course?! ' 

She stepped back, allowing me into my house. 

I gave her a thanking nod and walked in, I searched the room for Mitch and found him looking brightly at me, while sitting on the bench. 

I gave him a harsh look, ' off the bench '  I said. 

' lovely place Jess ' I turned around, oh Harry, I forgot he was here. 

' Let me show you around baby! ' I said reaching for his hand and dragging him around, we went through all the rooms leaving mine last. 

' Hola!' I said, opening the door, allowing Harry to walk in, he looked around and touched the bed sheets. 

' Is there where you get naked ' Harry said, with a cheeky grin 

I laughed, ' with all my boyfriends ' I replied with a wink  

 Harry's faced when blank and he just started at me, I bursted into laughter.

' I'm kidding Harry! ' I said, continuing laughing. 

Harry walked up and wrapped his arms around me squeezing me, ' I know silly' laughing

' lets go into the lounge room? ' I suggested, he hugged me from behind while we walked out into the lounge room.

When walked in and saw Mitch and Gemma in a make out session, they stopped when we walked in. 

' Cute Mitchyy ' I said, he blushed. 

Me and Harry sat on the couch and flicked the televsion on ,Finding Nemo was on.

' Aw look Harry! They're up to the part when they're in Sydney! ' I said with such excitement. 

' We're traveling to Australia soon, we've already been there, it's really beautiful ' Harry replied. 

' Next time take me Harreh? ' I asked, while I layed in his laps looking into his eyes. 

Harry was about to speak when he was interrupted by Mitch ' Me and Gem are coming! ' He said, 

Harry signed, ' the more the marya! ' 

I laughed, ' shall we have pizza for dinner? ' 

Both boys nodded and Gemma spoke ' Or McDonald's ' 

' skinny bitch ' I said, throwing a pillow at her, she ducked and it just  missed her. 

We ordered pizza, Gemma ordering her large meal, or should I say meals. 

Harry volunteered to pay, which I thought was cute. 

After we ate our meals, we decided to call it a night.  

After saying our goodbyes me and Harry went to bed. 

I walked into my room, shutting the door behind Harry. 

I walked over to the the wardrobe and pulled open a draw, 

' today I've come back from yours, to be kidnapped, to be brought home in one piece ' I said, as I pulled out a loose shirt to wear. I pulled my top off revealing my bra, Harry watched my every move, he had lust in his eyes. I put the shirt on, and toke my shorts off, revealing my underwear.  

I walked over to my bed and crawled under the covers, ' Harry ' I said ' are you going to come? or? ' I added, watching him just stand there.

He snapped out of his thoughts and flicked his head back to mine, he nodded as he walked over and flicked the light switch off.

I then heard a lot of rustling, and a big thumb, I giggled and turned onto my back. I felt the warm air escape as the covers were lifted off and Harry's body replaced the empty space next to me. 

I rolled onto my other side and placed my hand on his stomach and started tracing his abs.

' Now love ' Harry began ' whats the listen we learnt today? ' Harry asked.

' Ummm, not to let Gem order dinner? '

Harry laughed, ' no silly, don't talk to strangers! '

' I learnt that when I was like 10 ' I mumbled,

' well clearly it didn't work '

' shut up ' I replied lightly smacking him.

That's when I realized, ' oh my god Harry! '

' yes my lady? ' 

' where are your pants? ' I asked, in shock.

' on the floor '

' sly, Harry, sly '.

I rested my head on his chest and the last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep was his heartbeat. 

------- REALLY BORING, I'am so sorry loves! I need at least 20 reads and 5 votes to continue! Oh and the other boys are coming into the story very soon! So I'm currently taking roles for their girlfriends! Zayn is actually on offer! All you have to do is, 1, share the story, duh! 2, comment or personal message me, explaxing why you should be his girlfriend! Much love xoxo-------------------------

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