'Your mother is here' chapter 12

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I pushed the trolley down the aisle, looking for tin pineapple, my favourite. My eyes were searching down the aisle looking for the tin, when I finally saw it. I pushed the trolley towards the area which it sat, reaching my hand up I felt something brush against it. I turned around and looked at the other hand reaching for it too, it was Maddie. 
'Maddie!' I jumped, laughing.
'Hey Jess! How are you?' She asked, as she picked up a tin of pineapple and placed it in her basket. 
I grabbed my own tin and chucked it in the trolley, onto the never ending growing pile of food.
' I'm great actually, me and Harry are planning a movie night tonight and pineapples my favourite, so it was a must have! ' I continued, ' how are you?' 
Maddie nodded and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, 'I'm okay, I guess.'  She replied, hesitating to my question. Maddie then quickly looked at her watch and and spun her head the other way. 'I better be going, catch ya later Jess! ' And before I could even say goodbye, she hurried off. 

The drive home had me wondering, what was going on with Maddie? But I pushed those thoughts to that back of my mind, it was none of my business I would just enjoy the movie date with Harry.

Struggling to carry all the shopping bags up the stairs, I finally got to the door and when I placed the bags down, in order to get my keys. The door was already open, I looked up and saw Harry, he quickly wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me in, he whispered slowly and clearly in my ear.  'Your mother is here.' 
I stopped in my tracks and pulled away from Harry, ' my, my mum you say?' I asked.
He gave a quick nod, and I peeked over his shoulder and in fact, saw my mother  facing and staring at us. I drew my eyes back to Harry, and inhaled a deep breath.
I picked the shopping up and Harry stepped back, allowing me access to our house. I placed the bags on the kitchen counter, and emptied my pockets too.
Mum quickly pretended to look the other way, as I confronted her. ' Hey mum?' I said, nervously.
She turned around and acted surprised, ' Jessica! My daughter! How lovely it is to see you! ' As she gave me a peek on my cheek. 
I stepped back, startled by her happiness. 'Hey mum! I haven't seen you in ages?What's up?' I asked, gazing her up and down. 
' Oh nothing much!' She chuckled, 'just wanting to drop in!'  

 I nodded, confused. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist, I jumped, as the hands startled me. I turned my head slighty and saw Harry, I gave him a quick smile and turned back towards mum. She looked between Harry and me, and then back fourth again. Swinging her bag back over her head, she lightly pushed past me and Harry, my eyes followed her as she headed to the door. 
'I'm sorry, ' she began, ' I shouldn't of came.'
' Mum! Wait!' I called back, but before I could hurry after her she'd already closed the door.

I walked back through to the kitchen and continued unpacking the shopping, I felt Harry's stare at the back of my head.
'That was weird,' I admitted.
' Very,' Harry agreed, he walked towards me and helped me pack away the shopping. 'Got a picture for today?' He asked, as I passed him a bottle of sauce. 
I nodded, 'yeah I got a really cute one of this little girl on a swing at the playground-' I was cut off, when I felt Harry's lips press against mine, I was shocked at first, then continued the kiss. I pulled back confused, I raised an eyebrow ' what do you want?' I asked.
' Can't I kiss my girlfriend?' He replied.
I chuckled and gave him a light smack on the head, 'I wanna first pick of movie,' I said. I turned around and quickly raced through  the lounge room, Harry sped past me and reached the DVD player before me.
' Damn! ' I said laughing, swinging my fist in anger. 
Harry looked up as he continued going through the piles, 'The Notebook?' I plumped my ass on the couch and shook my head.
' Dear John?' He asked again.
' Nope.'
'Sucker Punch?'
'No, thank you!'
' What about a Harry Potter?'
I groaned, and Harry raised an eyebrow.
I signed in defeat, ' put the chamber of secrets on then. '
Harry cheered as he put the DVD in, and joined me on the couch. I crawled between his legs and rested my head on his chest.
' Why did you mum visit?' Harry asked me, as the movie began to play.
' We haven't spoken  in a while Mitch and her use to fight a lot, so I suspect he brought me into the fight and mentioned how she never visits.' I replied, watching Dobby jump on the bed.
' I'm sorry babe,' Harry said. As he began twirling my hair.
' At least you don't have family troubles.'
He shook his head, ' we've all got propblems babe.'
Sorry it took so long personal issues! Please follow me on twiter @narrythug thanks x  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2013 ⏰

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