' Settled in ' chapter 11

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' I'm about 10 minutes away. ' I spoke into the phone, which was leaning on my shoulder as I pulled a pair of jeans up. 

' Yeah, I'll see you soon, love you too. '  I toke the phone away from my shoulder and pressed end. 

Leaning over the end of my bed and chucking it into my bag. I looked around, knowing I'd forgotten something. ' Shit. ' I mumbled, racing back into the lounge room. I picked up a top and slipped it over my shoulders. I'd promised Harry that I'd meet him and the lads and their girlfriends at lunch. 

Harry forgot to wake me, leaving early for a meeting, called me 10 minutes till lunch.  

I raced back to the bedroom and collected my bag and hurried to the door.

It had been a week since I've moved in with Harry, the apartment was beautiful and quite modern.

The usual white walls, big rooms, it didn't feel like home yet, but it was beginning to.  

I locked the door and ran to the car, and hoped in the drivers seat. I turned the key and waited for it to warm up. Encouraging it to hurry, under my breath.

I looked at the clock and I had about 5 minutes, I reversed out the drive way and turned the car towards the restaurant. I was stupidly speeding and risking a threat of a accident. 

I'd slowed down and turned down a side street, a car was stopped in the middle of the road, I slowly pushed my foot onto the brake. Perfectly timing the stop. 

 I looked around the houses, something looked very similar. I just couldn't put my finger on it, sticking my head out the window I wanted to see what the hold up was. 

I flicked my finger and turned the blinker on, instigating that I was going to over take, checking that no cars were coming, both ways. I turned the steering wheel and over toke, continueing to watch the road as I turned back into the proper lane. The street was still so, so I just couldn't put my finger on it.

I continued driving, when a certain house caught my eye. I immediately slammed my foot on the break, causing beeps from cars behind to ring through my ears.

' Shit. ' I mumbled, starting to drive again. I gave a quick glance in the reflection mirror and saw the house, as I drove away. 

I was so going to be late for this lunch.

I pushed open the door and saw the curly hair boy facing away, I ran up to him and gave a quick peck on his cheek.

He looked up, ' hello beautiful ' I blushed, sitting into the seat next to him. I gave a nod hello to the others, which included Niall, Louis , Liam , Zayn , Eleanor and Danielle.

' I'm so sorry I'm late, I had to run a erran. ' I apoligised, placing my handbag on the ground next to my foot.  

They all nodded their heads, accepting my apology. I looked around a noticed a girl sitting across from me.

She was quite tanned, had brown hair , a stunning body and a gorgeous face. I found myself staring and she looked at me and gave me a smile.

' Maddie. ' She said offering her hand, I shook it smiling, ' Jesscia. '

It finally hit in, ' you're Zayn's new girlfriend aren't you? ' I asked,

she nodded and smiled, ' and of course you're Harry's, '  I laughed and agreed.

' We'll since we're all here, shall we order? ' Asked Louis, everyone agreed.

' What do you want babe? ' Harry asked, turning to face me.

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