' It's gotta be you, only you! ' chapter 10

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----------------------Have huge as writers block! :( and at the end of the chapter, I'll say who got picked as Zayns girlfriend! yay! --------------------

The bang on the door startled me, I quickly sat up. Sweat was dripping from my fourhead, I tried to remember where I was.

At home, on the couch, ah yes I must of fell asleep I thought to myself, I flung the blanket off me body and ran my hands threw my hair. I looked angrily at the video that was on the coffee table, that read ' Wolfcreek',  I stood up and walked towards the door, opening it. 

' Morning love ' Harry wrapped his hands around me, nearly knocking me over.

I gave him and quick squeeze and he realised the hug, he looked me up and down.

' Bad dream? ' He asked, putting a bit of loose hair behind my ear.

I nodded, taking his hand away from my face and holding it.

' Would you like a coffee? ' I asked, turning back towards the kitchen and pulling the milk out.

He shook his head, I poured some milk into a bowl and got some cereal out.  I followed him to that couch, he sat down and I joined him. 

' Any plans for today? ' 

I waited till I finished what was in my mouth, ' nothing, of cause. ' Scooping more cereal into my mouth. 

' Are you okay? ' Harry asked concerned.

' Yes. ' I mumbled, covering my mouth while I chewed. ' It was just a late night. ' I reassured him.

' I've got a interview today, and I'd like you to come? ' Harry began

I nodded, still eating away.

' I'd like to confirm that we're dating. '

I dropped my mouth and half my cereal came out , it would of looked horrible.

' You, you want to confirm that we're dating? ' I asked, trying to slow down my breathing.

' I think it's time. '

I nodded, ' and what about the fans? ' I replied.

' They'll be fine, they'll love you! '

' Okay then, ' I agreed, ' I'm up for it. ' 

Harry smiled and planted a kiss on my forehead, ' now go and get ready ' he ordered me. 

I stood up and he smacked my bum, I chucked.  

Two hours later and the interview had began. I was sitting in this little room with a microphone in front of me and Harry next to me, we hadn't reached the relationship status yet.

' So Harry, ' the interviewer began ' what's your relationship status? Single dating anyone? Do tell us. '

' I'm actually taken, '  I could hear girls dying from here. ' With my girlfriend of 6 months Jessica. '

' Ahh yes and I'm sure Jesscia has a lot to say? ' Said the interviewer,

' Why don't you ask her? ' Harry said. 

' We have Jesscia in the station, Jesscia! What's it like dating mister Styles? ' He asked.

I swollowed my fear, ' it's great really, but it's all not fun and games. '

Harry and the interviewer laughed, Harry held his hand out and I squeezed.

' Tell us about yourself? ' The interviewer asked.

' Well, I'm Jesscia, obviously. I'm currently studying at Oxford University, I'm doing photography and it's my passion. '

' Excellent, that sounds fantastic! '

' Yeah, it is ' I began ' But what's better is Harry, I've never felt this way about anyone before. It sounds corny, but it's true, I've known him for 8 months and it's been the best time of my life. I was worried about him confirming his relationship, but it's okay now. '

' What about the fans? ' The interviewer asked, pushing things. 

I leaned closer to the mic, ' please girls, don't hate on me, don't send death threats, I've done nothing wrong personally to you, I just hope we can get along. ' 

' How touchy! ' The interviewer replied, ' Harry Styles and his girlfriend Jesscia everyone! ' 

I stood up and pulled Harry out of the room, and into the hallway. 

' How'd I go? ' I asked, biting my nails.

' You did great babe! ' He said, pulling my hands aways from my mouth. He leaned in and kissed me passionately, I grabbed his neck and pulled him closer. 

' Wait till we get back to our house babe! ' Harry said pulling away, he toke my hand and we walked towards the exit.

We just got to the door, before I stopped him. ' Wait Harry, our house? '

' Our house, while we were in the interview, I hired some removers people and ' I cut him off, with  my squealing. 

' Oh my god! Oh my god! I'am so excited!  ' I was basically jumping up and down, throwing myself everywhere. 

' Wait till we get home and you can see it ' Harry pulled us towards the door, he flung it open and I shelled my eyes with my hands.

Paparazzi, everywhere, they were taking hundreds of pictures. Harry pulled me closer and mumbled ' don't answer anything, just push through. ' I followed his command and pushed through them, questions were being throw left, right and centre.

We reached the car and Harry opened the door and I climbed in, he ran around to the driver side and hoped in. They were circling around the car and I began laughing, crackling.

' Why are you laughing? ' Harry asked, laughing myself.

' I ' -- ' I just hope I'm not that annoying. ' I said giggling, Harry laughed too.

' Let's get out of here. ' Harry started the car and began slowly driving home.


Woo! They've confimred it! Happy New Years and late Christmas! I need three comments and seven votes! --------------------------------------------------------


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