Chapter Sixteen

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Raintail padded across the hard cement, snarling curses under her breath. "That wretched Sandstar, I'll figure out how to get out of here on my own terms." She hissed to herself. A few twolegs watched her curiously as she padded down into a dark alley. She was walking with her head down, and didn't notice when she bumped into something. She looked up, shocked to see a large male cat standing above her, staring down in disapproval. 

"What are you doing here?" He snarled icily. Raintail looked up at the male, her eyes large and angry. "What do you think you're doing here?" He said again, a little bit more demanding this time. 

"Nothing." She responded quietly. What was she doing? She was a Thunderclan cat, she didn't bow to some alley cat! The male turned away from her, flicking his tail up at the roofs of the large twoleg nests. Suddenly, six large, strong cats crawled down, they all were large and menacing. A strong female growled, padding up to Raintail, the female's huge icy blue eyes stared right into her soul. 

Raintail was sick of this.

She unsheathed her claws and before the female could mew, she swiped across it's eyes with her sickeningly large claws.  The female yowled with pain, losing her footing and falling to the ground, crimson blood hit the ground, painting the dull cement with the luscious red. 

The female clawed her eyes, screaming at the fire burning in her sockets. The other cats stepped back in surprise, growling and hissing at the mess that was unfolding. The female yowled and unsheathed her own claws, with the blood streaming down, her vision was fiery and dark, but she clawed at the air in panicked motions, managing to grasp Raintail's scruff, and ripped out clumps of patchy fur. 

Raintail's paws scrabbled on the rocky pebbles, clinging on and trying to squirm out of the she-cat's grasp. The cat mewed in delight and began pulling her in, the female's blood soaked eyes darted around, searching for her target. The blurry image of Raintail desperately clinging the ground made her mew what almost sounded like a laugh. She raked her claws into Raintail's back and pulled her forward, the others helped, and unsheathed their own claws. 

"You will pay for that!" The female snarled, looming over Raintail. Raintail writhed and squirmed, but the she-cat held her firmly, the she-cat's gashes dribbled into Raintail's eyes, molding them shut as she squirmed. Blinking the crimson out of her eyes, she flattened her ears against her skull and her hind legs shot up, kicking the she-cat so hard, her underbelly tore. The she-cat let go of Raintail and screamed at the pain, the fire licking at her torn underbelly, it stung more than anything. Raintail jumped up as a large male crashed into her, knocking her to the side, her head crashed into the wall and blood rocketed from her skull, dizzy from pain, she slumped over, the cats stood around watching in excitement as her vision got dark, and then she was lost in darkness. 

In this darkness shapes closed in on her, the shapes trapped her, suffocating her as they whirled around, her eyesight blurry as she tried to catch them, they laughed in amusement, and then she was falling. Falling through never ending darkness, the laughter and screams of cats filled her ears. And as she fell, her gashes began to flicker, they flickered like a fire, and the fire was hungry. Raintail shrieked in agony as the fire began to swallow her, her legs turning to ash as dark silhouettes mocked her, their faces torn into wicked grins as they watched her with soulless eyes. 

The fire flickered larger, licking at her paws as it swallowed her torso, screaming and shrieking so loud her ears ringed. And then her ears melted, and she felt fire licking her insides, burning up her eyes as they tasted her sockets. And then her mouth as the fire examined it, licking it's sides, and melting her mouth off. The fire flickered in her eyes as she tried to scream, but all that came out was a gasp for air. 

Large billowing clouds of smoke shadowed her as she tried to gasp for air, all that came in was dust and smoke. She hit the ground with a thud, her body cracking and the fire coming to a stop. Every crack in her limp body streams of blood filled the ground. 

Just lying there as the shadows of cats without features laughed at her, and her face being dunked in her own blood, trying to catch air as she gasped for breath, drowning in her own blood. Her legs paddled helplessly as she shrieked in the pain. 

The aching.

The sting. 

Like her legs were on fire. 

Her body crushed, as she tried to paddle out of her own blood, and she hit something, a large, dark rock with a pointed edge, she slammed into it, trapping her to the side as her eyes became heavy. All she could see was red. 

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