Chapter Fifteen

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"I saw the motor." Sandstar said. 

"You saw what?" Dart asked. "I saw the motor." Sandstar replied. "How? How would you even know what the motor looked like?" Dart asked, leaning in close. "I don't know, it just felt right." Sandstar explained. 

"What did it look like?" Dart asked in a cracked whisper, even though there was no one around. "It had this circle thing on the back, and these strange multicolor vines on the front." Sandstar replied, also in a hushed voice. 

"That's it." Dart said, excitement brewing in his mews. "Well, where is it?" He asked. "That's the thing..." Sandstar said, looking glumly at her paws. 

She turned her paw and licked her torn pad. "The twoleg kinda took it." 

Dart stared at her in disbelief. "Out of all the things?" He asked. Sandstar explained everything that had happened in detail. When she was done, Dart curled his tail neatly over his paws and stared at her. "So, the motor is gone now?" Dart asked. "Yes." Sandstar replied. "I bet we could find another...." Dart was scanning the alley, expecting a motor to pop out of nowhere.  Sandstar had already hopped up and was padding out of the alley. Dart followed. 

"Here, follow me." Sandstar said, flicking her tail in the direction of the park. Dart and Sandstar padded into the little park, dried leaves crunched under their paws. Half dried up worms squirmed underfoot. Sandstar led Dart to the musty old twoleg den. They bounded through a broken window and onto the oil stained floor. Scrunching up their noses to block out the scents, Sandstar brought Dart to the once locked door. "Hey, this is open now." Sandstar said, excited. They padded into the room, where they immediately saw the motor on the twoleg's ledge. 

They were about to take it when a cat jumped right in front of them. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Said the cat. Sandstar adjusted her eyes to see Raintail standing in the darkness. "That thing is mine!" Raintail snarled. Dart had crept behind Raintail and was dragging the motor towards an open window. Unfortunately, he slipped and the motor came crashing down, startling Raintail. "You aren't going anywhere!" Raintail yowled. And she slammed Sandstar into a few rusted pipes. 

Then it was all out war.

Sandstar meowed in surprise as her head smashed against the pipes. Dart had noticed the fight and had leapt onto Raintail, digging his claws into the she-cat. Raintail yelped and threw Dart to the ground. 

Her fur was ragged and blood stained. Sandstar leapt at Raintail, unsheathing her claws and slashing at her face. Great streams of blood poured from Raintail's face. She snarled and jumped onto Sandstar, biting and tearing at Sandstar's hind legs. Dart grabbed Raintail's tail and Raintail yowled, she jumped up and slashing at Dart's face. She managed to knock him over and started raking her claws through Dart's soft underbelly. Dart clawed at the ground, trying to wriggle free from Raintail's grasp. Sandstar leapt onto Raintail's back and pushed her to the ground, Raintail turned herself over and kicked at Sandstar's underbelly with her hind legs. Sandstar eventually managed to pin Raintail down with Dart's help, and Raintail screamed and writhed, trying to escape their grasp. 

Eventually, Raintail admitted defeat and stopped moving. Dart dragged Raintail over to a pile of rusted metal, the metal fell over onto Raintail, trapping and pinning her down. 

Raintail yowled and hissed, snarled and growled, she squirmed and writhed, but the weight of the rusted metal was too much, she was trapped. 

As Dart and Sandstar dragged the motor out of the twoleg den, they could hear Raintail's screams of agony. 

"Help me! I'll find you! I'll kill you all!" 

Raintail's threats slowly become more and more muffled as they padded farther away from the den. After a long day of walking, they finally got back to the alley. 

They rested their aching jaws and legs, and Dart fell asleep almost instantly. Sandstar watched the stars and eventually her tired eyes closed, she could finally rest peacefully.

Raintail was not a problem anymore.

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