Chapter Nine

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Sandstar woke up early, the time she'd usually wake up back home, right when she opened her eyes she was ready for Raintail to be right in her face. Oh right. She was still in the city. They hadn't figured out how to get home yet. 

Sandstar sighed loudly, which woke up the startled Dart. Dart pawed at Sandstar in frustration. "Sandstar, what are you doing?" He asked. "Oh, just looking at the sun come up." She replied. 

"Good god Sandstar, do you want to get home or what?" He asked. "I don't know what you're so mad about." She replied calmly. Dart grumbled and turned around, resting his head on the inside of the boat. He soon fell asleep again, I wonder what non-clan cats dream about, Sandstar thought. She jumped up from her sleeping spot and padded out of the alley. 

Where she was met by a twoleg walking their dog.

She mewed in surprise and fear and jumped back. The twoleg crouched down and attempted to grab her but Sandstar's instincts had already kicked in. She ran and ran until her lungs were screaming for rest. She laid down underneath a sausage cart and ate a few of the meat scraps. 

Resting her paws over the cold ground she closed her eyes to breath. Suddenly, she heard the sounds of dogs barking. Oh no! She thought. 

But they weren't after her.

Dart raced past as the dogs bit at his hind legs, Sandstar watched in horror as a dog was able to latch on to him, ripping into the soft flesh, blood and fur stained the ground as twolegs started to close in on Dart and the dogs. She saw Dart's mews for help as he struggled to be freed.

A twoleg grabbed one of the dogs' collar and then another. 

Soon the conflict was settled down, but Dart still laid on the pavement, blood seeping through his fur. His mews were despairing, but Sandstar couldn't help him because the twolegs were surrounding the fight, unable to help, she let out a desperate mew. A big monster came to a stop right next to the fight, and out came a bunch of twolegs with strange fur. 

The twolegs nodded at them and held the dogs, while they gently lifted Dart into a small, cage-like compartment. Dart's mews were getting louder, but Sandstar could do nothing, and then, once the twolegs had loaded up the monster, they jumped in it's belly, and the monster ran down the Thunderpath, far away from view. 

This was getting worse and worse.

Now how would she get home without Dart?

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