Chapter Three

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Sandstar tried to shake off the feeling of unease as she padded towards fourtrees. 

Raintail was right behind her, bubbly as ever, almost as if nothing had happened. "And then, the huge fish jumped on my face!" Raintail was telling Sandstar about the time she tried to catch a fish. 

"Nice." Sandstar didn't know what else to say. "Oh and then I managed to catch it! But it was too slippery and I fell in! But Shadowfang pulled me out!" Raintail was blabbing away, as usual. When they had finally gotten to fourtrees, all the leaders and the cats they had brought with them were there. They all turned their gazes to Sandstar and Raintail. 

"You're late." Rosestar hissed. "Let's not start a fight here, shall we?" Greystar said, jumping infront of the hissing Rosestar. "It's time to head to the Moonstone." Greystar said. They all went silent.

By the time they had almost reached the Moonstone, they had all collapsed in exhaustion. "Those herbs didn't last us as long as we needed.." Sandstar said. 

"Yes, because you and your deputy were off chasing butterflies!" Rosestar hissed. "No!" Raintail protested, "A Shadowclan— Sandstar interrupted Raintail by saying, "We needed to catch a bit of prey, we needed to get our strength up." 

"I don't think that was necessary." Rosestar growled. Greystar and Leafstar noticed the argument was going nowhere, so they quickly started walking again. Rosestar and Sandstar noticed, so they fell silent and quickened their pace. 

After a bit more of trudging, they finally made it up to the Moonstone. 

"Only the leaders will get to go in, all of you, stay here." Greystar announced. Nobody complained, not even Raintail, because Greystar was a wise, powerful cat.

Leafstar, Rosestar, Greystar and Sandstar padded into the cave.

Inside it was dark, they slowly walked towards the luminous purplish light. They nodded to each other and each of them put a paw on the Moonstone. Immediately, Sandstar drifted off.

She was floating through a... twoleg nest? It didn't look like any twoleg nest she'd ever seen, there were thousands of dens lined up in neat rows, and Thunderpaths separated them. 

Hundreds of Thunderpaths.

Monsters flew by every second, and she caught the sight of a twoleg in the monster's belly, clutching something in it's paws. Then the dream faded into a scene of Thunderclan. Cats were screaming, the camp was crumbling, twolegs surrounded the camp a fire was blazing through the camp, turning cats to dust. Twolegs began grabbing them, throwing them into box-like chambers, being loaded into monster's bellies. 

She managed too catch what they were saying; "They found us! Help! Where is the leader!?" And then, Thunderclan crumble, falling apart as the twolegs laughed.

And then Sandstar awoke.

The other leaders were awakening from their dreams too, had they had the same dream? No. They looked well rested, only Sandstar was shivering from what she had seen. The others noticed and asked if she was okay, and Sandstar had replied with;

 "I'm fine, it's just a little cold." Sandstar and the others padded out of the cave, back to the others. Where Raintail sat in wait, jumping around. Sandstar quickly pushed the dream to the back of her head as Raintail bounded up to her. 

"How was it?" Raintail asked. "Oh, it was nice." Sandstar said, hiding the fact she was still shivering in horror.

"What does the Moonstone look like?" Raintail asked for the third time. 

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough." Sandstar said. They were past fourtrees now and we're heading back to Thunderclan. Sandstar hadn't forgotten about the dream, it was probably just some silly old fake prophecy, it couldn't be real. She thought to herself. She began to imagine that place she'd seen, thousands of twoleg dens packed together, with Thunderpaths intertwining. But again, she chose to ignore it and pushed it away.

And she and Raintail walked through the entrance into camp.

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