ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ʜᴏᴍᴇ /Miya twins/ part 2

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TW: almost drowning, hospitals, mentions of dead parents


"Please take me home..." she cried in the arms of her two brothers. At the sound of her cries, both of the boys wanted to give her the world. Give her all the love and make her happy one again. Because the thought of their little sister being traumatized by the death of their parents at such a young age haunted them. "(Name)..." whispered Atsumu and he caressed her cheek. "It'll be okay. We're here for you," he said and pecked her forehead.

"No!" she yelled and her cries got louder. "(Name), we need you to calm down..." spoke softly Osamu. "I want mommy and daddy to come back. I want them here. I need them," she cried and got out of their grip. She ran to the door and stopped right in front of them. "They are still alive! I believe they are still alive and I am going to bring them home!" she cried in despair. "(Name)! Don't go anywhere. Come back here," reached out for her Atsumu but he was late.

(Name) ran out of the door quickly and out of the house. "Osamu!" yelled Atsumu and both of them ran out of the house to chase after her. "(Name) come back" yelled Osamu as he saw her running away from them. "I'll bring them back!" she shouted and ran. "(Name)-" Osamu got interrupted when Atsumu ran past him at full speed. "(Name)!" he yelled and almost grabbed her. "No!" she yelled and ran to the bridge. "(Name) be careful!" Osamu shouted and with Atsumu, they ran after her. "They're not dead!"

With that sentence, she didn't pay attention to her surroundings. She tripped over a rock and fell. She fell over the fence that was meant to protect people from falling into the water. "(Name)!" she heard her brothers shout before she fell into the freezing water. It was like someone knocked out her breath. She couldn't breathe.

"Help me!" she tried to reach out for help but she was sinking deeper into the river. Her eyes were slowly closing as she couldn't get any oxygen into her body. 'I'm so dumb...' she thought and tried to swim but failed. 'I'm so sorry...' she tried to say but got water into her mouth. 'I'M SORRY' she shouted inside her head. 'Samu...Sumu...'. She felt the water vibrate violently and a splashing sound. Her conscious was slowly fading away. 'Brothers?' the last things she saw were hands reaching out for her and a splash of silver and blonde hair. 'I don't want to go yet' she thought and fell unconscious.

Atsumu and Osamu pulled her out of the water quickly and hurried to the bench. "Put her here! Quick!" shouted Osamu, soaking wet. Atsumu gently placed (Name)s body on the bench and watched his twin trying to save her before she'll lose her life. The realization hit Atsumu like a truck and the endless tears were streaming down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry angel..." he mumbled and looked on her face.

Later an ambulance came and they rushed her to the hospital. After some checkups on her body and full chaos, they transferred her to one room. It was already night so it was dark in her room, just a few machines were lightning the room a little. "She's still asleep..." whispered a nurse and opened the door for the twins. They silently walked over to her bed and sat down on the chairs that were placed beside her bed. The beeping machines proving that she is still alive made them feel relieved. "I'm sorry for what I caused..." whispered Osamu and his eyes got teary again. "What do you mean?" looked at him sadly his twin brother.

"I'm sorry that I bring the death of our parents in front of her," he said and lowered his head. 'I'm sorry...' he thought and closed his eyes. A soft hand landed on his back. The warm feeling lingered through his body and he looked up to his twin brother smiling at him. "I know you couldn't hold it in anymore. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself," Atsumu whispered so he wouldn't wake up his sister.

"Thank you Atsu," Osamu smiled back and the pain in him easing a little. They chatted a little while checking their sister. "Wake up soon," whispered Atsumu and he kissed her right cheek lightly. "We miss you already," whispered Osamu and kissed her left cheek. They grinned at each other and looked back at her. "Everything will be okay," mumbled Osamu and he caressed her hair softly.

After 2 hours they heard some mumbling. "Hm?" turned to look at (Name) Atsumu. (Name) was shuffling around a little and then she slowly opened her eyes. "(Name)!" yeeted Atsumu himself on her. "Atsumu! She's still recovering!" slapped the back of his head Osamu. "Sorry," chuckled Atsumu and he looked at (Name). She blinked a few times and then she sat up. "Ni-ni?" she mumbled. "Yes? Your brothers are here," said Osamu and he sat next to her bed. "How do you feel?" he asked and cupped her cheeks.

"I feel a little dizzy but I'm fine," she said and smiled at him. Suddenly, her smile dropped and she looked on her hands. She finally realized what happened. "I'm so sorry-" she didn't finish when Osamu hugged her. "It's not your fault. We love you and everything will be okay. I am sorry too, sissy. Mommy and daddy love you too so don't be sad anymore or you'll make grandma, grandpa, and your brothers sad. So smile for us," he whispered and Atsumu joined the hug.

"Be happy for us. Mommy and Daddy would want us to be happy," he said and wiped off her tears. "So now, smile," he grinned at her. (Name) smiled brightly at her brothers and a few tears ran down her cheeks. "Thank you nii-nii. I love you too,"

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