That day /Oikawa Tooru/

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Requested by: j0llyranchers

TW: cheating


(Name)'s eyes were full of tears but she didn't let them come out. Her heart was aching and her mind was dull. The ringing of her phone echoed through the house but she ignored it. She didn't want to pick up her phone. If she would pick up the phone, she'll meet with the name of her boyfriend calling her or the Instagram post that broke her.

She, she needed to scream. Let her emotions go out. Because of how long she had been in a toxic relationship. 8 months of cheating huh? This long 1 and a half years of dating, Oikawa cheated 8 months. The tears sparkled in the corner of her eyes as she was curled up in the corner of her room.

In the corner of her eye, she saw again something she didn't want to. She accidentally looked at the phone laying next to a photo frame. That photo frame, it held a lot of love and happiness. A smiling couple side by side with matching clothes, grinning into the camera.

It broke her more. She knew nothing is going to be like before. Not anymore. No more happy memories or cuddly days. No more shared smiles or hugs. No more love.

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She stared on the phone. There's no way she's going to pick up the call from him. Not at that moment. She needed to calm down. But it was impossible. Her mind was blank and the pain in her was unbearable. She wanted to be happy with him and make a family. Both of them wanted it. But nothing is going to work how you want. And the worst came to (Name)'s relationship.

That day, (Name) was browsing through the internet. But one message ruined her day and maybe next few years. She felt miserable. The picture she saw, it broke her. Completely. A girl from her neighborhood and Oikawa kissing each other under the stars. The caption "With my lovely girl". It was like someone ripped her heart out of her chest.

She didn't want to believe but after a few other pictures send she started to believe. It made sense. Him coming back home, smelling like a woman's perfume. Or when he gets home with clothes put messy on him with his excuse of falling into a bush.

The reason why she didn't see the post was that Oikawa had a private account. He let just a few people see it but (Name) wasn't one of them. She didn't even ask him why he didn't let her. And now she understood.

The phone kept on ringing but she still didn't pick up. She wanted to be alone for a while. According to the post he had on Instagram, he was on a date with that girl. But he told (Name) that he had extra practice.

A bell echoed through the house. And she knew who it can be. But she dealt with it. Those lies needed to be put to an end. She's not going to leave it like that. Standing in front of the door, she took a deep breath and opened the door.

Oikawa was standing there, breathless. It looked like he was running. "(Name) why weren't you answering the phone? I was so worried," he said fast and took deep breaths. She was silent and that surprised him. "(Name)?" he asked and looked up. He met her empty gaze. "Let's break up," she said calmly.

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