Special fluff: 𝙺𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚢 /Kuroo Tetsurō/

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Originally: 881 words
Edited: won't be editing


Walking side by side, (Name) and Kuroo went home after a long day in school. Boyfriend and Girlfriend. Soulmates. Love birds. Those are the nicknames that people in school used to call them. A strong couple they are. And they loved each other dearly.

Hand in hand they were talking about some stuff and laughing at each other jokes. "Did you saw Charlotte today? She was so angry about me kissing your cheek that I swear you could have seen the steam coming out of her head." said giggling (Name) as she talked about the event that happened that day.

"I didn't saw her but I guess I saw some steam in the crowd." Kuroo played along. He grasped her hand tighter and smiled. She squeezed his hand in return and grinned at him. (Name) quickly pecked his cheek. "This is mine." then she kissed his hand. "This is mine." and lastly she kissed him on his lips. It wasn't a passionate kiss or something. It was a kiss full of love and sweetness.

"And this is mine... I won't let Charlotte take you away from me, because you're my boyfriend," she said and grabbed his hand again. "You're so sweet (Name). Don't worry I don't like her anyway. She's too... barbie?" Kuroo said and smirked. He then leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. "And I won't let anyone take you away from me," he smirked at her slightly blushing face.

They started walking again. "Hey, do you want a cat?" (Name) suddenly asked which took Kuroo off guard. "Well yes. I love cats and you know that. Why are you asking so suddenly?" he answered and looked down at her.

"Because one cat is right in front of you." She said and pulled his hand or he would step on the little kitty. "Huh?" He hummed confusedly and looked down.


He squeaked as he grabbed the kitty. "Yes honey, it's a kitty. Please don't choke it to death." (Name) said as she took the little kitty away from him. "Hello there handsome-"

She looked to the lower part of the kitty's body. "boy." She said and smiled. The kitty meowed happily in return which made (Name) smile wider. In the corner of her eye, she caught Kuroo staring at her betrayed. (Name) swear, that she saw him almost drop tears of his eyes.

"I just told you that you are mine and that I am yours and the next thing I see is you, hugging another boy?" he said dramatically as he acted like he was dying. "Don't be a drama queen. Look at him! He's so cute." She said and shoved the kitty right in front of Kuroo's face.

The cat looked confused at first but then meowed and stretched its little legs closer to Kuroo's face. The next thing (Name) could catch was Kuroo snatching the cat away from her and hugging it tightly. "Who's my baby? You're my baby!" He said and rubbed his cheek on the kitty's face.

"Weren't you jealous just a second ago?" (Name) snickered and looked at the two cute creatures. "Maybe I was, but not anymore. Can I take him home?" Kuroo asked with puppy eyes as he gripped the kitty tighter. "Don't ask me. Ask his mother." (Name) laughed and pointed at the angry cat mom under her legs.

What she didn't expect was Kuroo leaning down and patting the cat's head. "Hello there miss. I'm sorry for disturbing you, but can I take one of your sons? He's really cute and all but-" He didn't get to finish his sentence when suddenly the angry mama cat yeeted herself at his face. In the process, he released the kitty from his arms.

He made a sound higher than his usual deep voice and tried to take the mama cat away from his face. (Name) was dying of laughter meanwhile, Kuroo was 'dying' on the ground because of the mama cat. "Help meeee (Name)!"

"Nooooo you got into it yourself you gotta help yourself out of that." she giggled and watched him struggle. "(Nameee)" he yelled as he couldn't take the cat down. "Okay, I'm coming!" She laughed and gently got the mama cat off of him.  The cat just hissed, grabbed her children, and walked away.

"Are you okay?" (Name) asked worriedly as she saw a scratch on his cheek. "Noooo...? I just lost the cutest kitty in the world." He faked crying and he hugged her, burying his face into the crotch of her neck. "There, there." (Name) giggled and patted his head.

"Anyways! You will be my number one Kitty so don't worry!" he suddenly got up and pumped his fist into the air as his eyes sparkled. "Okay then..." said (Name) nervously. She was scared that he hit his head on the ground when he was falling.

She stood up and wiped the dust off of her pants. "Let's go home silly. It's getting dark." she wiped the blood from the scratch on his cheek with a tissue and pulled out from her emergency little bag a patch. She gently put the patch on his face and grabbed his hand again.

"Yeah, let's go home."

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